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  • Kate 02:00 on 2019-06-29 Permalink | Reply  

    A human skeleton was discovered on waste ground around Bridge Street and the tracks, Friday evening. Police are investigating.

    • Kate 12:36 on 2019-06-28 Permalink | Reply  

      The city’s pressing CP to allow more level crossings, none of the listed ones the desired crossings between the Plateau and Rosemont-PP, but at least an eastern exit from Parc metro and train station is on the list.

      • Ephraim 14:33 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

        I wonder how that land is taxed? Wonder what kind of leeway the city has with that taxation. Like having a lower rate for an area with a level crossing, a lower rate on underpasses and overpasses, versus land level crossings. Could that be used as a way to convince CP? And building permits… could the city require a higher level of inspection and upkeep on some of the tracks. Fencing, electronic monitoring, if there is no level crossing… I’m sure there are ways to convince them that it is in their interests or a tax deferment for building an overpass or underpass for pedestrians.

      • ant6n 16:13 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

        The infrastructure should be publicly owned, for a multitude of reasons

      • Faiz Imam 19:25 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

        I had conversations with my municipality over 3 years ago, they were super frustrated.

        They basically have no power. the rail companies have jurisdiction that comes from Federal law, and it basically gives them absolute power over their ROW. There are (of course) requirements for road access, but something smaller or more limited is just not part of the way they view the world, and there is (apparently) nothing anyone locally can do about it.

        We have a federal election coming up, seems like this is something we have to take to the Ministers. Perhaps the Honorable Member of the Canadian Parliament for Papineau could have a word?

      • SMD 23:16 on 2019-06-29 Permalink

        This is the arbitration ruling from the Canadian Transportation Agency. It rules that Montreal can put in two level crossings in Park Ex and one at Bois-de-Boulogne. It also allows two grade-separated crossings (tunnels under or walkways over) the CP tracks around Rosemont metro. Here’s a short summary from Le Devoir.

    • Kate 12:24 on 2019-06-28 Permalink | Reply  

      Molson has sold its old riverside lot for $126 million “as is” to a consortium of buyers, intending to keep some of its offices in the area. Nothing said here about the heritage value of the oldest parts of the complex.

      • david100 13:12 on 2019-06-29 Permalink

        Childrens Hospital, Part II.

    • Kate 08:56 on 2019-06-28 Permalink | Reply  

      Spotted this morning on the upper Main. Cop gave a siren honk, Jump scooter guy stopped and had a brief conversation with the cop, then toddled away. No ticket handed across for missing helmet.

      • dwgs 09:55 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

        Fair enough, the e bikes (that’s not a scooter) are new, I think that’s what the cops should do for the first few weeks, stop people and let them know that a helmet is required but we’ll let it go this time.

      • CE 11:30 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

        I took a look at one yesterday, it says right on the bike that a helmet is mandatory. I think everyone should know by now that any motorized 2‑wheeled vehicle requires anyone riding it to wear a helmet.

      • Ian 13:37 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

        So far I have seen 7 Jump scooter folks, none of them wearing helmets. I hope they have their organ donor cards signed.

      • Ephraim 15:47 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

        Ian – Maybe we should ask Uber to list right on the bicycle “All renters are automatically organ donors unless you specifically opt out on our website.”

      • j2 08:05 on 2019-06-29 Permalink

        I like how casually you assume motor vehicles are automatically going to kill people.

      • Kate 09:17 on 2019-06-29 Permalink

        I think it’s more the known hazard of riding any motorized two-wheeled vehicle without a helmet.

      • dwgs 14:57 on 2019-06-29 Permalink

        j2 I always wear a helmet when I ride my bike, not necessarily because I’m afraid of cars. There are other cyclists, pedestrians, potholes, slippery asphalt, bees, stray dogs, stray dogs with bees in their mouths…

      • Ian 17:39 on 2019-06-29 Permalink

        What Kate said. Riding a scooter, e-bike, bicycle, or moped with no helmet is just stupid… and the faster your 2 wheeler can go the worse your potential for death is. Great for people waiting on an organ donation though.

    • Kate 07:31 on 2019-06-28 Permalink | Reply  

      Eater has brought together a bunch of their recent lists and items and calls it a visitor’s guide to eating in Montreal.

      • Kate 07:28 on 2019-06-28 Permalink | Reply  

        A woman is in critical condition after getting hit by a train in TMR. For some reason, Global illustrates this story with a video about crossing the tracks in Montreal West.

        • Kate 07:14 on 2019-06-28 Permalink | Reply  

          There could be more homeless people after July 1 because of the shortage of supply of affordable apartments.

          • Kate 07:12 on 2019-06-28 Permalink | Reply  

            The new bridge will be officially opened Friday morning.

            Radio-Canada looks at an innovation on the cables of the new bridge intended to keep ice from building up and becoming a hazard.

            TVA says the plan is to keep the cycle path open all year.

            La Presse’s Bruno Bisson ponders the old bridge, the idiocy of the chosen design and the fears of government engineers over the last couple of years that it could come unzipped and fall apart. It closes forever at 10 p.m. Friday night, and the outbound lanes of the new bridge open on Monday morning.

            Update: It’s been a lovely day for the ceremonial stuff down by the river. La Presse mentions the bridge will even feature a bust of Samuel de Champlain – an achievement, considering no portrait of the explorer is known to exist.

            Bridge architect Poul Ove Jensen damns the bridge design with faint praise: “built for performance, not style.”

            • Marc 11:33 on 2019-06-29 Permalink

              I drove over the new bridge for the first time twice yesterday and have a question about the signage hopefully someone can answer. The sign over the bus lane at around 12:30 had a “no bus” symbol in it (like no smoking but with the word “BUS” in it), and later on around 7pm it had a “yes bus” symbol (green circle with the word “BUS” in it). Any idea what these mean? All of the other signs seem to indicate that it’s a dedicated bus lane 24/7. https://postmediamontrealgazette2.files.wordpress.com/2019/06/0624-city-newchamplain.jpg

          • Kate 21:13 on 2019-06-27 Permalink | Reply  

            The education minister has just announced that two EMSB schools will be transferred to Pointe‑de‑l’Île board.

            • Ian 21:26 on 2019-06-27 Permalink

              Well attrition is one way to get rid of the English school boards, I suppose.

          • Kate 19:13 on 2019-06-27 Permalink | Reply  

            A brand new U.S. Navy ship is stuck in the Port of Montreal after brushing up against the Rosaire Desgagnés on an attempt to leave port. I learned a new word, allide – to impact a stationary object.

            • Ian 22:09 on 2019-06-27 Permalink

              Ooh, good word!

          • Kate 19:06 on 2019-06-27 Permalink | Reply  

            Sentencing is under way for the driver in the mistaken shooting death of Angelo d’Onofrio in north-end Hillside Café three years ago. The shooter himself got a life sentence; the judge says here that no evidence proved that the driver knew his passenger planned to carry out a killing. I suppose he thought they were just going for coffee?

            • Ian 21:49 on 2019-06-27 Permalink

              Maybe it was a kind of informal gig economy arrangement. /s

          • Kate 18:58 on 2019-06-27 Permalink | Reply  

            The roof of the Olympic stadium is tearing worse than expected, requiring two annual inspections rather than one before the new roof goes on, in 2024 – in theory.

            • Kate 18:55 on 2019-06-27 Permalink | Reply  

              A Le Devoir writer gives us a detailed look at how the JUMP scooters work.

              • Ian 21:27 on 2019-06-27 Permalink

                I’ve been noticing a lot of them illegally locked up to random street furniture around my neighbourhood today.

              • Kate 07:16 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

                I don’t know why they couldn’t see that coming, Ian.

              • CE 11:31 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

                I think anything from JUMP in Montreal is just biked (for now). Lime is set to launch their scooters any time now.

              • Kevin 14:13 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

                Nobody in Quebec has ever seen anything like this coming.

                Corruption? Bad construction? People obeying the letter of the law about twisting the spirit until it cries in the obeying the letter of the law about twisting the spirit until it cries? Inconceivable !

              • Ian 14:16 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

                I do not think that word means what you think it means 😉

            • Kate 12:49 on 2019-06-27 Permalink | Reply  

              A piece on Deadspin linked on Twitter caught my eye, about the desperation of the Tampa Bay baseball team owner to round up some team support, somewhere, somehow.

              A Radio-Canada piece suggests calling the team the Guinea Pigs.

              Please tell me we’re not going to build a whole stadium for a venture into half ownership of a failing baseball franchise.

              • steph 13:13 on 2019-06-27 Permalink

                Kate, they’re gonna sell it to us as a ‘soft transfer’ with the idea that it’ll be a full transfer coming soon.

              • Josh 14:37 on 2019-06-27 Permalink

                Bronfman said yesterday he’s not interested in public funding of a stadium (though he would like to discuss public support presumably in an adjacent infrastructure sort of sense). Scoff at that if you will (and we know you will!), but at least make mention of some of the facts that don’t support your take on all this, Kate.

              • Ian 17:40 on 2019-06-27 Permalink

                Okay so he doesn’t want money for the stadium, just for all the infrastructure it requires. Gotcha.

                EVERY DIME should come out of Bronfman. The public shouldn’t get involved ANY of this. We have way bigger fish to fry than satisfying the fantasies of some clutch of rich fatcats that like baseball. There is TON of infrastructure we don’t even have time to fix let alone helping build a playground for Richie Rich and his pals.

              • Kate 17:56 on 2019-06-27 Permalink

                Josh, if you follow my blog you know what I’m going to say now: that’s a chimera. It’s impossible to build a huge stadium without the city chipping in for infrastructure, security and transit. I found this interesting item late last year about how Quebec was into “partnering” on a new ballpark – news to me, but not to the website where it was posted.

                Here’s another piece from our very own Gazette a year ago about how money for a new roof for the Olympic stadium wouldn’t sit well with baseball fans because it would take funds that “should” go to a new ballpark and spend it on the old O. But wait, we weren’t going to use public funds on a new ballpark, right? Right?

                Then there’s the constant demands for tax cuts. The Bell Centre doesn’t pay anything like as much tax as it should, and Joey Saputo played poor mouth for a tax break on his soccer stadium last year even though city valuation of that land had conveniently gone down 25% at the same time everyone else was facing valuation hikes. I don’t know what kind of tax break the Alouettes get for playing on a field that belongs to McGill, but I bet it’s tasty too.

                And that’s leaving aside the fact that once there’s a team here, with one foot in the door, you know they can always threaten to leave again, blackmailing the city and the province against the unpopularity of a choice to pull the plug.

                Major league sports are a mechanism for moving public money into private pockets, Josh. The rest is bread and circuses for the masses.

            • Kate 12:39 on 2019-06-27 Permalink | Reply  

              Radio-Canada and CBC both report Thursday on a right-wing media outlet, run by two onetime McGill students, right from Montreal. Critic Nora Loreto thinks the CBC calling them a “blurred line” between journalism and pamphleteering is a bit on the soft-pedaling side. At a quick glance – I’m not sending them clicks – they’re mostly parroting boring and pointless criticisms of Justin Trudeau right now. There are legit criticisms to be made of Trudeau, but you won’t find them on a platform like that one.

              • Chris 20:20 on 2019-06-27 Permalink

                hmm, well, they’re more transparent than all the underground shills/bots on social media.

              • qatzelok 22:20 on 2019-06-27 Permalink

                The kind of ineffective and sophomoric “criticism” of Trudeau and other state actors, actually helps promote our boring and visionless elite by glamming them with faint barbs (daming with faint praise in reverse).

                It’s yet another hegemony strategy.

              • Ian 13:44 on 2019-06-28 Permalink

                Sadly, I fear that Trudeau et al are incapable of such subtlety, and it’s really just a couple of overconfident noobs playing at legitimacy with recycled meme-logic. Such is the state of the current political landscape.

                Up next: Asymmetric warfare or just stupidity? News at 11.

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