Washington Post scrutinizes Montreal

Floating to the top of my searches this week has been a suite of pieces about Montreal from the Washington Post. Odd that they illustrate “Ste-Catherine Street” with a photo of the bland Jeanne-Mance side of the MAC. There’s also a peculiar notion that Papineau is the “north end” of the Plateau; I can’t even tell where the tennis court photo that adorns the section on the Plateau was taken, but I wouldn’t call it a typical Plateau scene. The section on Petite-Patrie mentions Jean-Talon market in the intro but doesn’t show it, and somehow detours into Jarry Park.

But I’m irritated most by the Old Port section, adorned with a photo of Notre-Dame. Yes, I know that in recent years there’s been a trend to call all of Old Montreal “The Old Port” (and I’m not sure this isn’t being pushed by local marketing, either) but it’s not accurate. Anyone here knows the Old Port is rue de la Commune and everything between that and the river itself, the rest being Old Montreal. And no, the writer does not visit Notre-Dame.

Be warned, if you try to look at all these pieces without a WaPo subscription, eventually you will hit a firewall paywall.