Many want to see the end of Projet

La Presse’s Mario Girard wrote an op-ed on the weekend tersely headlined La lutte s’organise about wheeling and dealing going on well in advance of the November 2021 municipal election with the intention to destroy Projet Montréal.

I have to say, a lot of people really hate Valérie Plante. She’s getting blamed for things that are not within her purview as mayor, of course, but there are many people for whom she can do nothing right. A lot of the most vituperative commenters are women, so sisterhood is not exactly coming to her aid.

I’m curious to know what paragons of mayoralty these folks are comparing her to. Coderre’s showboating, Tremblay’s lack of grip, the forgettable era of Pierre Bourque, none of these people collected the constant shrill grievances that I see directed at Plante. So much so that I’ve wondered whether Ensemble hasn’t devoted some of its budget to some offshore service of the sort that have undermined other forms of democracy in our time.