Week 5 of the election campaign

Metro summarizes week 5 of the election campaign and compares Coderre and Plante after asking some fairly trivial questions with picky answers.

CBC turned to experts to examine the candidates’ word choices to get a reading on their ingrained attitudes, with the note that this was done during the English debate and that second languages are not the best basis for this kind of analysis.

Coderre says he wants to see the Palais de congrès made bigger. I thought this was already happening, with the row of old commercial buildings on St-Antoine that used to house Steve’s Music already expropriated and facing demolition for the project.

Plante is promising to bring local referendums back, but Radio-Canada is not sure the mayor has that power, since it was provincial Bill 122 that abolished them. The development of a site in the village may be the last local referendum Montreal sees.

La Presse is supporting Denis Coderre’s re-election.