Patients from Hôtel-Dieu will be taking the road to the new CHUM this weekend.
Updates from November, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Metro has some numbers and stats concerning Sunday’s election. Similar from CBC.
Jonathan Montpetit looks at climate change – how it’s likely to affect the city, and what various politicians say they’d do about it.
Coderre’s party made a pitch to keep governing and there was a time we would’ve been startled to see Richard Bergeron praising Coderre’s record.
French is in sharp decline in St-Henri, with only 60% of its residents now speaking it at home. Nice dig to contrast the langue de Gabrielle Roy with that of Kim Kardashian.
Philippe Couillard’s new transport minister is making big talk about the blue line.
It’s not a municipal matter, but there’s no ignoring the Guy Ouellette story. CBC has a good summary of the situation as it stands. Philippe Couillard says he’d consider a committee to monitor UPAC, but what then? In a few years, a committee to monitor that committee?
Archives de Montréal has put up sixty old photos of city neighbourhoods at various points of the 20th century. A few have been in circulation before, but most are new to me.
Plante and Coderre discuss their picks for key positions should they win Sunday’s election. The two have also received similar amounts of campaign contributions.
Coderre is now using the PR machine to get his message out.