An old convent attached to an east-end church has become a temporary residence for asylum seekers. (Note from my own curiosity: a woman in this story is described as an asylum seeker from Cairo: does Canada consider Egypt a danger zone now?)
Updates from November, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Radio-Canada finds evidence that Elsie Lefebvre, running for Équipe Coderre in Villeray, has been distancing herself from Coderre, telling people they can vote both for her as councillor and Valérie Plante as mayor. Lefebvre has been campaigning hard: I’ve seen her several times at Jarry metro, talking to people, handing out flyers and shaking hands.
Lots of campaign pieces on this last working day before the election. Gilles Duceppe supports Coderre. (Why do the flags in that picture not have the golden tree in the centre?)
Metro has a good terse summary of the notable points of both mayoral candidates.
Plante is criticizing Coderre’s lack of transparency on Formula E and Anie Samson calls Plante dangerous. In response, Plante says Coderre’s team is in panic mode.
Yves Boisvert considers what he calls Coderre’s strange campaign and Chantal Hébert contrasts the two candidates in the Toronto Star.
A man was shot dead in his car in RDP Thursday night. Homicide #20 of the year. CBC says he was a former Hells.
Tracey Lindeman writes about the Pink Line for Atlantic’s CityLab.
There was a general outcry in 2015 when people noticed a Starbucks opening on Jean-Talon around the corner from the market. Now Eater reports that it has closed.
At the time, I made this Google map of alternatives in the area.
Metro looks at the history of municipal elections in Montreal and the Journal says the city has changed a lot in ten years.
Notes on highway blockages this weekend and on changes around the Turcot.