Occasional blog reader Taylor C. Noakes writes in the National Observer about Pierrefonds residents who still can’t go home after their houses were damaged in spring flooding. TVA reports on a family suing the borough for negligence.
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Spotted on Saturday, a Pierre Bourque campaign poster and a poster for Richard Bergeron as chief of Projet, bracing a Tempo in an Ahuntsic driveway.
The head honcho of Formula E here accorded the contract for creating the event to Evenko without putting it out to tender, while sitting on the board of the Evenko Foundation himself. TVA link, plays video.
This week Richard Martineau wrote a piece simply titled Denis Coderre aime Evenko.
Five high-profile businessmen have come out in support of Coderre, who lets them do what they like and coddles their aspirations for a new baseball team and other dreams of profiting off the public purse.
The Gazette falls in with La Presse on endorsing Coderre.
Luc Ferrandez says the Plateau is not a template for Projet in how it would necessarily manage other boroughs.
Le Devoir looks at a mayoral race that’s closer than anyone expected.
On Facebook, Toula Drimonis makes an excellent point: “am I the only one a little troubled by the fact that all three Montreal mainstream newspapers just endorsed a politician who used the police department to prevent journalists from doing their jobs?”
Thoughtful Ethan Cox examination of the boroughs and how they may vote Sunday – or not.
Andy Riga does a “how to vote” for the Gazette. But the item mixes up fact and advice. Yes, it can be convenient to hand over your printed reminder from the city – he says “reminder card” a few times, although it isn’t a card – but it is in no way required. You only need to tell the polling officials your address and show your ID.
The Journal combines information, infographic and statistics. Global also has a terse guide to how to vote.
Sarah Leavitt’s CBC explainer about the process and the variations among boroughs is still the best I’ve seen. CBC has an updated version too.