As of 4 p.m., a pitiful 31.59 percent of eligible voters had cast a vote in Montreal’s election. TVA link plays video.
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The Journal enumerates six challenges facing whoever’s the new mayor after Sunday’s vote.
Polling stations are open till 8 p.m.
It’s time to do your bit for local democracy.
An exhibit at Atwater Library marks the centenary of the battle of Passchendaele.
The Centre d’histoire piece this weekend looks at the sad slow collapse of the Expo 67 site after the fair closed fifty years ago.
A man was shot in the face early Sunday after a private party downtown.
It seems odd that Denis Coderre was likely one of the complainants in this Toronto story about a parking enforcer forced to give up a Twitter account in which he shamed drivers who parked in bike lanes there. Kyle Ashley says he never tweeted at Coderre. The Globe & Mail version of the story makes no mention of Coderre directly but says “[Ashley] has weighed in on Twitter about parking and cycling matters in Montreal, raising the ire of senior politicians there.”