Updates from November, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 12:00 on 2017-11-13 Permalink | Reply  

    Valérie Plante was on Tout le monde en parle Sunday night and Metro has eight soundbites: she’d like to move Formula E to the track, and she’s open to what she calls the return of the Expos. As readers know, I wish the baseball idea wasn’t being framed this way: whatever happens, the team that would come here, at great expense to the city no matter what promises are made, would have no connection with the Expos of memory.

    • Kate 11:56 on 2017-11-13 Permalink | Reply  

      The city is holding sessions to explain to people how to behave around coyotes in town: in short, use assertive body language and don’t feed them.

      • Kate 11:44 on 2017-11-13 Permalink | Reply  

        We have a smog warning in town and its surrounding areas Monday morning.

        Update: Continuing overnight Monday. There was a haze on Mount Royal all day.

        And, Tuesday morning, the warning continues.

        …aaand Tuesday evening, the same. I noticed, walking up through St-Henri this evening, I could smell woodsmoke in a few spots. Pizza ovens, or domestic fireplaces? (I also smelled onions frying and cannabis being smoked, and the leaves beginning to gently rot in Cartier Square. St-Henri is apparently that kind of place.)

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