A supervised injection site has opened too close to a school for parent comfort. They’re protesting.
Updates from November, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Wednesday is the final day of the Bixi season. And it was a record season too.
Juste pour rire will continue next summer but with fewer gala shows while an alternative festival called the Festival du rire is already getting government support although, as CBC points out, it’s not too interested in the anglo side so far.
In the new year it will be illegal for stores to provide plastic shopping bags. Useful move, or is this just rearranging the deck chairs?
A group of powerful unions wants a moratorium on the REM to allow for more public consultation and studies.
I don’t often link to a single tweeted photo, but I was struck by this one Peggy Curran posted yesterday showing the start of the demolition of the old Children’s Hospital.
Valérie Plante plans to tweak Denis Coderre’s snow removal policy to improve service.
Le Devoir has another electoral map showing the levels of non-voting per area. 42.47% of eligible voters cast a ballot, but this item says as many as 80% of voters stayed away in some places, and two polling stations saw no voters at all on the day. Boring for the poor scrutineers!
The interchange where Remembrance Road meets Côte-des-Neiges is falling apart and will be demolished and rebuilt by 2021.