Updates from November, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 11:45 on 2017-11-23 Permalink | Reply  

    The Adidas store on Ste-Catherine reopened recently and apparently the opening event was held mostly in English. Mathieu Bock-Côté: “Comment ne pas rager, hurler et gueuler quand on lit une telle saloperie? Comment ne pas voir dans cette phrase une insulte?” etc. etc. A boycott is being proposed.

    • Kate 11:27 on 2017-11-23 Permalink | Reply  

      It’s been simmering chronically in local news that the CSDM, the city’s biggest school board, has been high-handed with the many community groups which have rented out affordable spaces in disused school buildings for years. Sometimes it threatens to hike the rents, sometimes it threatens to throw them all out – now it’s talking about selling off buildings to raise money because it has to rent office space for the 766 workers that will be displaced because its head office, like so many of its school buildings, is infested with mould. But it’s not being open about its plans with the many groups that would be affected by this.

      In an unrelated but somewhat similar story, a building near Parc metro in Park Ex has been sold and is supposed to be turned into “trendy” apartments. The building has housed small businesses and community groups for years, which have been given days to clear out so work can begin. The owner says he has no idea why people are upset about his plans.

      • Kate 11:18 on 2017-11-23 Permalink | Reply  

        A doctor with an apparently successful solo practice downtown has disappeared, abandoning his patients with no notice and no clue to his current location.

        • Kate 00:26 on 2017-11-23 Permalink | Reply  

          Work on the Dorval Circle has finally ended after eight years. TVA link may play video.

          Meantime, construction sites on Viger are causing traffic mayhem around the new Maison Radio-Canada.

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