Twenty women are hoping they can mount a class action suit against Gilbert Rozon, whom they all say has at some time sexually harassed or aggressed them.
Updates from November, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
A group of gun nuts is going the extra mile. Not only will they be holding a rally this Saturday, they’ll be doing it in the park established as a memorial to the victims of Marc Lépine. Classy.
Update: As the gun nuts must have expected, there’s been a chorus of disapproval.
Second update: The group has decided not to hold its demonstration in the park, after getting a lot of free publicity. TVA link plays video.
The folks running Divan Orange on the Main have announced its closure next spring.
At council, Valérie Plante heard a citizen proposal for a memorial to Fredy Villanueva and agreed it could be done. It’s clear from this brief account that the borough mayor in Montreal North was not expecting this and isn’t thrilled.
Some rent statistics, from Andy Riga, via reddit. The average $835 mentioned in the headline includes not only rent but heat and light as well.
I’ve made some additions and updates to the 2018 blog calendar, thanks to a few folks who commented below. If you think I’ve made a mistake or missed something that ought to go in, please let me know.
The calendar is printable on 13 pages of tabloid size paper (11×17″). I can provide a higher-rez version if anyone wants – this version is still a lowish-rez proof.
The founder of Beauty’s, on Mont-Royal at St-Urbain, has died. Hymie Sckolnick was 96.
Monday afternoon’s short city council session saw the city’s first female speaker as well as the first female mayor. Philippe Schnobb stays on as chairman of the STM, and Craig Sauvé from Sud-Ouest is now vice-chairman. The city’s shadow cabinet was also named by Lionel Perez.