Archives de Montréal has noted on Facebook that it’s nearly 20 years since the fabled ice storm: they have a photo set from the crisis on Flickr.
Updates from December, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Radio-Canada reports on how the STM collaborates with other entities to help the homeless who take refuge in the metro, but at the same time QMI has a report on how metro cops continue to ticket the homeless.
Valérie Plante does not want to compare her proposed Pink Line to Toronto’s transit issues; will not invest in the calèche industry; has ended the pitbull ban (but nothing here about the cash grab cat tag part of the pet law); invites Régis Labeaume to butt out of the Yves Francœur affair; is willing to delay the request for UNESCO to make Mount Royal a world heritage site so that Anticosti Island can go first: Philippe Couillard admitted this week that, after expensive explorations, Quebec has very little potential to produce petroleum.
The Yves Francœur thing involves the head of the SPVM brotherhood being found out in apparently unfounded accusations against two PLQ MNAs.
Metro’s series about Montreal neighbourhoods continues with a look at Griffintown, its history and its recent changes.
The Globe and Mail has started blocking Everett-Green’s pieces on Montreal to anyone but subscribers – yes, even in an anonymous browser window. His latest is about the Grands Ballets but you won’t be able to read it unless you sign up.
Great way to encourage people to read conventional media, folks.
Brief Toronto Star piece on Montreal’s Jewish cuisine scene.
Foreign ownership of Montreal real estate is on the rise as buyers turn away from Toronto and Vancouver. Or, as Les Affaires puts it, one buyer out of five is Chinese. Mayor Plante may be asking for a foreign buyers tax.
City hall will close from spring 2019 to autumn 2021 – just in time for the next municipal election – for a major renovation. Money will be spent on outfitting the old courthouse, officially the Lucien Saulnier building, to function as city hall in the meantime.
Update: A few more details on the plans and the necessity for fixing up the buildings – both of them.
El Mahdi Jamali and Sabrine Djermane were cleared of terror charges Tuesday in Montreal, but still face conditions connected with a peace bond against them, and Jamali was convicted of possession of an explosive substance.