Regular reader ant6n has done a terrific job here of examining the privatization of the Deux-Montagnes train line by the very specific numbers concerning the public money that has gone into building and maintaining it.
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As the Gazette notes, TVA did not report on a demonstration Wednesday night at their headquarters denouncing them for supporting islamophobia.
CBC has some information and useful links about transit over the next few days.
Thursday is the winter solstice. Days will be getting longer now!
The family TVA calls the “clan Villanueva” are suing their lawyer for a million bucks alleging he damaged their civil case against the city concerning the death of Fredy Villanueva by being late with an important document. To be fair, Radio-Canada also calls them a clan.
Fredy is also back in the news as the subject of a controversial play by Annabel Soutar, currently in revival at La Licorne.
The new (interim) police chief talks about giving himself a year to clean house at the SPVM.
Sun Youth has been located at the old Baron Byng high school for decades, but the CSDM is evicting them to repurpose the building once again as a school. Curious that the building ended up under the control of the CSDM rather than the English board.