Updates from December, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 15:11 on 2017-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

    Équipe Coderre can’t become Mouvement Montréal because someone already nabbed that name with the DGEQ.

    • Kate 07:01 on 2017-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

      CBC’s open-and-closed item for the holidays. Also from Le Devoir.

      • Kate 06:56 on 2017-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

        The federal and provincial governments seem willing to proceed with the pink line if Mayor Plante steps up and the city does its bit.

        • Kate 06:54 on 2017-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

          The CSDM is preparing to sell off a dozen buildings, some of which have been used for daycares for years. Like the Catholic Church, the commission has a lot of real estate, supported by public money, but when push comes to shove it seems to be able to sell things like any private owner. How does our society let this situation come about?

          • Kate 06:52 on 2017-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

            Police brotherhood president Yves Francœur refuses to step down despite the recent scandal showing his accusations against the PLQ had no substance. And the new police chief has his back.

            • Kate 06:47 on 2017-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

              Harinder Singh Cheema, convicted earlier this year of killing his wife in 2007 – after which he went on the run to the U.S. for seven years – was sentenced to life this week, with no chance at parole for 16 years, or 15 in the TVA account, which gives details about how Cheema tried to rebuild a life with a new woman before being caught.

              • Kate 06:43 on 2017-12-22 Permalink | Reply  

                TVA follows up on last week’s mosque story: Fagstein comments on Twitter that it explains “how a breakdown in communication led to a false rumour […] but doesn’t address how that rumour was reported without being checked or why the journalist apparently lied about it.”

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