Wednesday is the coldest December 27 we’ve seen in 24 years as a polar vortex sweeps across the province.
Thursday will be just as cold if not colder.
Homeless shelters are preparing for the long cold snap that looks likely to carry us well into the new year. Thursday, La Presse looks at those who actively seek people still stubbornly trying to sleep outdoors to bring them inside; similarly in Le Devoir. Shelter operators are asking the public to take note of anyone seeming to be disoriented or in bad shape and call it in. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this kind of notice before.
Radio and other media are also emphasizing that the temperature is making it difficult to start vehicles, so the CAA is staying busy.
Also Thursday, CBC quotes an Environment Canada meteorologist saying Wednesday did not beat the 1993 record of –24°C.
Also… this weekend is likely going to be even colder. CTV has brief notes on pets and the cold.