Lifehacker has some tips on Montreal, with a selection here and a link to a more complete set of comments. Items like this often overlook how profoundly the seasons affect what’s possible or pleasant here, e.g. they don’t realize you can’t Bixi between November and April.
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Although the headline suggests otherwise, the text here implies that Plante and Ferrandez are friends again after he accused her administration of amateurishness over making rash promises on tax increases.
I’ve held off criticizing the Plante administration so far, because I realize they likely didn’t have a realistic idea of the state of the city’s finances before they took charge. I can even respect their tax hike if it means they’ll do maintenance and repair work that’s been neglected, especially as the latter Coderre years focused on bread and circuses for the 375th.
However, I’m unimpressed at Plante’s reason for her go-ahead to the Evenko amphitheatre on St Helen’s Island, as reported by CTV.
Quoting the piece: “Plante […] worried too many trees would be cut to make room for it. But since the trees have already been removed, Plante said she now sees no reason not to proceed with the outdoor concert area.”
Trees can be replanted in green space, Mme Plante. But they can’t be replaced in areas concreted over to give a big free present to Evenko.
I am disappoint.
In addition, this item on Montreal respecting the concerns of St Lambert about noise from shows on the island is so full of waffle that it’s dripping syrup on the floor. “Luc Ferrandez a indiqué que la réponse était toutefois complexe.” Don’t trash your earplugs yet, you South Shore folks.
Gilbert Rozon is denying all allegations of sexual abuse brought against him by at least ten women. Rozon doesn’t realize he’s getting a close shave from Occam’s razor.
The city has received the OK from Quebec to dump snow at Blue Bonnets. Doing temporary urban agriculture there was only a mirage, but I guess the ground will be good and salted now.
Westmount is petitioning Superior Court to stop work on the Turcot because of the noise it will bring. Bit late to think of this, no?
The REM will take longer and cost more than initially promised. Another non-surprise: it will be built by an SNC-Lavalin-Alstom consortium.
Minor tweaks in the name and layout were also announced.
Social media are snickering at the news that Lasalle has been named 11th most romantic city in Canada by an Amazon list.
Number 5 is Fort McMurray. They’re having us on.
Elevators are being installed at du Collège metro station; across town, the pedestrian tunnel from Champ-de-Mars towards Old Montreal has reopened after almost two years of work.
Strange phrasing on that CTV elevator piece: “It’s part of a revitalization project by the STM, one that will see the construction of several elevators in metro stations across the city…” This has nothing to do with “revitalization” – it’s not like the metro was falling into disuse. The STM committed some time ago to full accessibility in the metro, not just “several” elevators. But it needs time and money to do it.
A man was shot and killed overnight in Rosemont; no arrest yet. Third homicide of the year.
The Journal reports on the charge of murder in the second degree for Francine Vallée, accused of the year’s second homicide, who has, as British crime shows say, previous. The writer comments on the unusual fact that the only suspects in the year’s two first killings are women.