The city’s finance commission is pressing the STM to work faster on getting elevators into metro stations.
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September 2016 it was announced that Saks Fifth Avenue was coming to the Bay on Ste‑Catherine and would involve extreme renovations to the de Maisonneuve side of the store. Last June, doubts were cast on the plans, and now the Gazette is hinting they may never materialize.
CBC tells about the NDG milkman who’s retiring after 67 years on the job.
Update, March 5: Arnaldo de Castris could not stay retired and is back out on the route.
The pride of the U.S. Navy is still stuck in the port of Montreal and looks like being there till spring thaw.
The city’s only free detox centre is closing beds after half its nursing staff – six nurses – resigned because of months of double shifts and unpredictable overtime.
In an unrelated piece, CBC has notes on Quebec nurses going to work in Switzerland.
I haven’t followed the UPAC scandal here because it’s not specific to Montreal, but it does affect us. Jonathan Montpetit does an excellent job for CBC not only of summarizing a byzantine bit of intrigue – he admits it’s been hard to follow the ins and outs in the media – but also why we should pay attention to it.
The Straits Times (Singapore) has a nice piece about the attractions of Montreal.
Also, the San Jose Mercury News has a thing about Montreal “smoke” meat, apparently unaware it’s smoked meat.
Marvin Rotrand wants to see some discussion on self-driving cars in the city.
Montreal hearings open Monday into the mistreatment of indigenous people in Quebec against the background of the Colten Boushie verdict.
Meanwhile, CRARR is stll asking for a general consultation on institutional racism here, an idea brushed aside by Quebec with a “what, little old us?” response not long ago.
People living in St-Henri near the Turcot say the night-time demolition noise is getting intolerable; Westmount is about to try to do something about it.