Updates from March, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 19:45 on 2018-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

    Valérie Plante is now showing a willingness to be persuaded about baseball. Absolute power… how does it go?

    Update: Rusty Staub has died.

    • Kate 19:43 on 2018-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

      City director-general Alain Marcoux is being shown the door but with no apparent rancour. The DG is the city’s top bureaucrat.

      • Kate 19:31 on 2018-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

        Where have all the pigeons gone? I commented on the springtime return of the ringed gulls today, to which a friend countered that he used to see a lot of pigeons, all year, scrounging in the gutter or otherwise mooching around, but doesn’t see them so much any more. When I thought about it, last week I noticed the flock of pigeons that loops over Jarry in Park Ex, but the general urban presence of the lone pigeon does seem to be diminishing.

        We were wondering if this was some natural cycle or cause, or whether humans have intervened and done something to reduce pigeon fertility or something like that. Anyone know?

        • Kate 06:09 on 2018-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

          Some local feature will be named for Martin Luther King but it’s not yet clear what it will be.

          • Kate 06:07 on 2018-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

            Even though there are only a couple of baseball games yearly at the Olympic stadium, numbers were down by half this year although reports say Stephen Bronfman is still intent on getting a new stadium built.

            Once again, writers describe this plan as the return of the Expos, warming the idea with a glow of sentiment. But the Expos as people fondly remember them, as part of their childhood or whatever, are never coming back.

            • Kate 05:47 on 2018-03-28 Permalink | Reply  

              Les Foufounes has been awarded a ten-day shutdown for having violent bouncers. Somewhere, le Gros Michel is laughing.

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