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  • Kate 10:45 on 2018-04-07 Permalink | Reply  

    It’s exactly 150 years since Thomas D’Arcy McGee was murdered. McGee had settled in Montreal and was elected here as an MP, but was murdered in Ottawa – the only serving MP to be murdered in Canada to date. His tomb is in Notre-Dame-des-Neiges.

    There’s to be a memorial mass and Irish wake Saturday, and there’s even a memoriam in the Gazette, where the memoriams are usually for those more recently deceased.

    I find it interesting that photos of McGee show a man who seems to be mixed race, but I’ve never seen any account that suggested he had African ancestry and I don’t know how likely that could’ve been in Ireland in 1825.

    • Blork 13:14 on 2018-04-08 Permalink

      Actually, I had the same reaction as Kate when I saw the photo of McGee. Specifically, I was scrolling through FB and saw the photo before I saw the headline, and at a gut level I registered it as a photo accompanying some write-up about slavery and the US civil war. When I realized it was McGee I still thought “Whaaat? Was he part African?”

  • Kate 10:05 on 2018-04-07 Permalink | Reply  

    A double shooting Friday night has become a single homicide, and police are trying to find a suspect.

    • Kate 09:13 on 2018-04-07 Permalink | Reply  

      Aaron Derfel reports on the messy and unsatisfactory process of finding someone to head the MUHC, which has been without a chief since 2015.

      • Kate 08:46 on 2018-04-07 Permalink | Reply  

        A survey shows that a slim majority of city residents favours immigration, and language is far ahead of religious symbols as a criterion.

        • Kate 08:27 on 2018-04-07 Permalink | Reply  

          Robert Everett-Green says in the Globe and Mail that Montreal is “a real hell-hole from certain points of view, but such a great place to live.”

          • Kate 07:59 on 2018-04-07 Permalink | Reply  

            The Journal’s new Cité Métropole blog has a piece on how the REM is playing out as a ploy in the provincial election.

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