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  • Kate 18:27 on 2018-04-08 Permalink | Reply  

    Saw on Facebook a link to a new sans-serif font called Neue Montreal by local designer Mathieu Desjardins, which can be downloaded free for personal use. The page on pangrampangram.com has some material about the city and Expo 67, although the font used for the Expo 67 logo and a lot of its material was Optima and this new font has no connection with Optima at all.

    Made me wonder about other fonts with a Montreal connection. Fonts called TS Montreal and Valise Montreal exist but don’t have any obvious connection with the city.

    The font that I think of as Montreal is Univers 57, which any metro user sees every day: it’s the font of the white capitals on black bands above every metro platform. The STM also had a custom display font made for it in 2010 by Baselab in Barcelona (a font you cannot buy, and Baselab’s website has disappeared), and the STM is gradually rolling out a new metro signage system based on Clearview or something like that, designed to be ultra legible at distances.

    • Jack Steiner 14:42 on 2019-07-15 Permalink

      I’d like to look at this new font for a personal history book I’m making.

  • Kate 17:29 on 2018-04-08 Permalink | Reply  

    The weekend’s Centre d’histoire piece looks at the Angus shops of 1950 vs. today’s all-residential neighbourhood.

    • Kate 09:09 on 2018-04-08 Permalink | Reply  

      Nice set of black and white photos of the city from 1993 – long enough ago to be almost vintage, but recent enough for some of us to remember.

      • Kate 07:58 on 2018-04-08 Permalink | Reply  

        The city’s credit rating is holding steady – even, as La Presse observes, despite the election of Valérie Plante.

        • Kate 07:19 on 2018-04-08 Permalink | Reply  

          We’re fortunate to live in an interesting city with low crime, but that often means little actual news. But media choices to fill the silence annoy me this morning.
          1. Students wearing yellow squares to protest dress codes in high schools. Really? This is worth reporting?
          2. Deaf woman didn’t get sign language interpretation at the jazz festival and her case has been turned down by the Human Rights Commission. Never mind that there’s a hard limit to how much anyone can do to convey a musical performance to someone who cannot hear.
          3. Many media outlets are covering the end of the music program at one private high school as if it’s a major issue in this city. Somebody involved has major PR chops to get this into so many platforms, even francophone ones, and get it reported as if it’s a grave social injustice.

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