Updates from April, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 17:16 on 2018-04-21 Permalink | Reply  

    CBC profiles the operators of Lufa Farms and how they use modern technology to produce food in the city.

    • Kate 17:14 on 2018-04-21 Permalink | Reply  

      A Radio-Canada writer asks why Valérie Plante suddenly seems favourable to major league baseball. Article’s more a boosty bit about urban renewal than anything else, though.

      • Kate 15:17 on 2018-04-21 Permalink | Reply  

        Decent Gazette piece on dépanneurs, where they began and where they’re going.

        • Kate 09:08 on 2018-04-21 Permalink | Reply  

          Radio-Canada’s archives look at the trip from the CAM to the Opus card: in 1980 an adult CAM cost $16.

          (Incidentally, why is it that francophone media write OPUS and BIXI when these are not acronyms, as CAM was – i.e. Carte Autobus-Métro – ?)

          (Update: I see I’ve asked this before and the reply is “branding” of course. I also see AZUR sometimes.)

          • Kate 07:59 on 2018-04-21 Permalink | Reply  

            Background on the financial structure behind the REM is to be revealed on Monday after the group was pushed into more transparency by both Plante and Couillard.

            • Kate 07:29 on 2018-04-21 Permalink | Reply  

              After a piece on how asylum seekers may strain resources meant for the homeless here, now Radio-Canada has a piece on the CSDM worrying about serving an additional population of kids. Catherine Harel-Bourdon says that last year the school population grew by the equivalent of five new grade schools and that another 250 students – yet another new school – have shown up so far this year. And most of these kids don’t speak French.

              Maybe it’s that after last year’s idealism our society is coming to grips with the implications of a constant stream of newcomers arriving in this way, but we need to be careful this tone doesn’t tip over into meanness. Harel-Bourdon’s big idea mentioned here is to send families to towns outside Montreal, which might solve her school commission’s problem in the short term, but simply moves the problems to other locales less prepared to cope.

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