Trudeau Airport is to get a new terminal by 2030.
Updates from April, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Support groups for the homeless have split over priorities.
Transit fares will be going up on July 1, with monthly STM passes going from $83 to $85 and other passes also going up, but single tickets staying at $3.25.
The Journal reports on a bad weekend for train riders as REM construction begins to disrupt the schedule.
Feminists are organizing to fight an anti-abortion group that gathers at clinics and tries to humiliate its clients with shouting and prayers. I used to work in a space on St-Joseph overlooking Lahaie Park where a group gathers with banners, chanting and singing and carrying on, because the building next door has a clinic. Those feminists can’t work fast enough to move these obsessives along.
The Journal is trying to make a scandal out of how the city is removing and selling old furniture from the Édifice Lucien-Saulnier – the old courthouse – before refitting it to serve as a temporary city hall, before the real work starts on renovating city hall itself.
We expect a warmish but wet week, with risk of flooding in low-lying areas.
Recently Metro had a piece on car theft around the airport which was taken down, but a similar report has been posted Monday. So, cars get stolen around the airport.