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Updates from May, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Batten down the hatches. It’s going to be a windy night.
Update: And it is. Besides the wind, I can hear lots of things creaking outside. A few minutes ago something crashed down in a yard out back. CJAD’s Shuyee Lee just tweeted about seeing recycling bins being tossed around. Power is out in areas on and off the island. Do you know where your candles and matches are?
Christopher Curtis at the Gazette has a follow-up on the Rosemont Nazi and his methods.
With a section of the Lachine Canal bike path closed, cyclists are taking St-Patrick, a hazardous street full of industrial vehicles and express bus routes. The city is putting up signs after Vélo‑Québec complained, to remind drivers to keep their distance from those on two wheels.
A cyclist thrown by a pothole has received a $15,000 payout from the city – not a generous sum considering his many injuries.
Some weekend driving notes from TVA. And from CTV.
Jaggi Singh has won a case on appeal concerning an arrest in a demonstration police called non‑peaceful simply for the opportunity to nab him. Now they owe him reparations.