A spokesman for Chinatown is not happy that one of the city’s new public toilets was wished on Sun Yat-Sen Park although there were no advance discussions with the community.
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Centre d’histoire this weekend looks back at a tree festival in Maisonneuve in 1957 but also beyond that to the origins of the suburb as a City Beautiful under the Dufresne brothers, a bit of history that gave us the Maisonneuve market and library and other elegant buildings in that part of town.
Abandoned bikes are not the city’s biggest problem but they do clutter up bike racks. Vélo‑Québec deplores the waste if someone can’t be arsed to sell or donate an old bike, but leaves it locked in public till it’s stripped for parts or collapses.
Overall air quality was slightly down in 2017. It’s mildly hilarious that the bad numbers from before 2016 were partly due to one single testing station near a pizza place with a wood oven, which skewed the readings for the entire island.
A man who worked as a security guard in a school in Montreal North has been charged with pimping and related activities and police are trying to find other victims, although apparently they don’t think he recruited at his workplace.
Someone flew a Nazi flag in Park Ex last week. Saturday, protesters denounced the act. There’s stress because the perpetrator is known to live in a certain condo building, but the condo board won’t release his name – I’ve seen people sparring about this on Facebook. Police don’t want to see vigilante justice, but they’re being accused of protecting the Nazi.
The Hasidic community came together for a midnight parade to honour Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach, their spiritual leader. Photos from CBC.
Plateau borough blocked new parking conversions in back yards and alleys, but enough people have signed a petition to force a referendum on the issue.
(I thought Quebec had abolished these local municipal referendums last year, a change Denis Coderre very much wanted, but I see that Valérie Plante was promising to restore them when campaigning last fall. I never saw any piece saying she had been successful, but this story clearly refers to the old mechanism or something like it.)