Graffiti supporting various figures of the so-called alt-right have been sprayed on walls along Laurier East. Mayor Plante asks the public to speak up if they see this kind of thing.
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Events at Jean-Drapeau park will be allowed to make noise from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. with no limits on the decibels.
CTV goes full hyperbole here with the headline Cyclists to take over Montreal streets. Story: cars completely banned from the Camillien-Houde on six Sundays, and Monk Boulevard for four. That’s it, but the item goes on to tell us that the mayor was asked whether this means she’s “anti-car”.
In other bike news, Ville-Marie is getting a whole lot more bike racks.
La Presse is to become a nonprofit after 50 years of ownership by Power Corporation. Or, as QMI puts it, Power Corp. is abandoning it.
Update: Steve Faguy’s got an excellent analysis of the change and how it will be done. He also notes that odd QMI piece Monday about some business guy wanting to buy La Presse. Maybe the nonprofit announcement was made to circumvent such a sale?
It isn’t only motorists that suffer from potholes. Pedestrians and cyclists have also fallen victim, with sprains and broken bones as a result.