The Centre d’histoire piece this weekend tells the story of the oldest synagogue in Canada, Shearith Israel, celebrating its 250th anniversary this year. Alexis Hamel’s site says the congregation opened their new Snowdon building in 1947, abandoning the Stanley Street building, which was demolished in 1960.
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Following the recent fire on the rooftop terrasse of Le Devoir’s building, firefighters are emphasizing the hazards of stubbing out cigarettes in old plant pots, where peat moss and fertilizer can catch and smoulder for hours before bursting into flame. It’s been the cause of many recent fires, and is more of a problem now that smokers are mostly banished outdoors.
The city has officially acquired the Notman Garden, a space on Milton behind Notman House, full of old trees and greenery, that had been at risk of razing and condo construction.
There are brief reports this weekend, because good news never needs a lot of background, that Turcot work is coming along and the new St-Jacques overpass is partly built although it’s not expected to open till December.