The week-long experiment with boat service between the Old Port and Pointe-aux-Trembles was a success, with several thousand passengers giving it a try. It’s not clear whether a regular service is being seriously contemplated.
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The BAPE has given the nod to a controversial new petroleum terminal in Montreal East.
The eyes that aren’t on the G7 protests in Quebec City today are on the Ontario election, while Montreal gathers itself for the biggest party weekend of the year. Decadent, us?
I’m on the lower platform at LG and cottonwood tree fluff is drifting down like snowflakes.
…And now fluff is coming in through the bus window too.
As I began reading this piece on how the city fails to show sufficient respect to the Quebec flag I was counting down to the first mention of…. ah, there it is, the Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste.
For a party celebrating the internal combustion engine it’s important to have notes on driving around town. TVA says it will be a hellish weekend for drivers and La Presse echoes the hell metaphor.
The St-Jérôme commuter line is down Thursday morning after a piece of CP equipment derailed on the track. La Presse’s headline writer is still calling the train operator the RTM.
Update: Service on the line came back around 11 a.m.
You can hear the La Presse writer snickering as he reports how Quebecor is cracking the whip over its contributors, making them give up all other gigs to work exclusively for the Péladeau empire. Well-known pundits like Mario Dumont and Richard Martineau are included in the order, which Hugo Dumas thinks means Quebecor is going to launch some new media entity soon.
Meantime, Pierre Karl is fulminating against La Presse becoming a nonprofit. A parliamentary commission held Wednesday heard no one with any objections to the change.