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  • Kate 13:01 on 2018-06-09 Permalink | Reply  

    In 2008, back when the Canadiens were capable of eliminating the Bruins in the playoffs, there was a riot after a decisive match and several police cars were torched. The case went to the Supreme Court to decide whether individual participants could be forced to pay for damage done collectively, which a lower court had said was permissible. The Supremes have said no, it isn’t.

    • Kate 09:26 on 2018-06-09 Permalink | Reply  

      As presaged in earlier reports, the bike path through Lafontaine Park will be moved this fall to run outside the park along the avenue that borders it. Plateau borough is concerned that there’s constant difficulty between cyclists and pedestrians inside the park. I guess it’s lucky nobody’s playing softball nearby.

      • Kate 09:23 on 2018-06-09 Permalink | Reply  

        A new group calling itself OUI Québec is holding a rally Saturday for Quebec independence. I’d like a journalist to go and give us one number: the average age of participants. Claudette Carbonneau, shown in the accompanying photo, is 72 years old. No shame in that, but it’s probably pretty typical of the folks still hanging onto that dream.

        • Kate 09:18 on 2018-06-09 Permalink | Reply  

          This story was first reported some time ago, but now the Plateau is continuing the fight over Ernest Cormier’s studio building, which used to be more visible from the street but which you can still just see here beyond the screen of greenery. The building, zoned institutional where it sits behind the old École des Beaux-Arts building – now the OQLF headquarters – was sold off for a private residence in 2015 by the Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI), and bought by a businessman who moved his family in. The Plateau maintains the zoning excludes this use, which it seems to me should have invalidated any sale to an individual.

          • Kate 09:07 on 2018-06-09 Permalink | Reply  

            The STM’s maintenance workers planned to start an overtime strike Saturday but it’s been called off by a last‑minute agreement about talks with management.

            • Kate 08:11 on 2018-06-09 Permalink | Reply  

              This is the final summer for the Village’s hanging coloured balls over Ste-Catherine Street. They were first put up in 2011 and were uniformly pink till last year, but now their creator says it’s time to make way for something new.

              Valérie Plante says she hopes to persuade artist Claude Cormier that the balls should become a permanent summer fixture.

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