The province’s crane operators are striking on Monday following a walkout on the new bridge site Thursday. They don’t like Quebec’s new policy of letting unqualified workers operate cranes, and while cynics may say this is because they want to protect their jobs – and who can blame them, nobody likes having the rules changed on them in this way – they’re talking more about safety issues.
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Fifty dogs from South Korea have been airlifted to Montreal to save them from the soup pot.
I’m of mixed feelings about this. We have unwanted pets here already. These dogs are now in a shelter and it doesn’t sound like there were fifty households prepared to adopt them right away. Ethically, while I understand the taboo we feel about eating potential pets, this seems like a niche act of benevolence at best.
A new survey done by the Association for Canadian Studies and the Quebec Community Groups Network found that anglo and franco attitudes here still diverge on certain issues, mostly to do with language protection and mutual understanding. Le Devoir took a soft line, with a headline saying the two solitudes are getting closer, while the Gazette emphasizes that anglos and francos have a distorted view of each other.
CTV has a piece but also a window on the actual PDF report at the bottom of the article.
The Gazette didn’t proofread well: item #12 on their infographic simply says “Anglos make an important contribution to Quebec’s” to which 96% of anglos agree but only 84% of francos. Going by the document I think it’s “economy”.
On the other hand, the design of the actual PDF report is bad, with lots of ALL CAPS screaming across the page in header sizes all over the place and tables dumped into too-tight boxes smacked down on black.
Each side thinks the other makes more money. Is there any objective way to find out which is true? The document says both do.
Also, there’s the item about “Anglos act like a majority in Quebec”, a claim I’ve seen made in various contexts over the years. What does a majority act like? Does this imply anything about how we think a minority should behave?
The Toronto Star’s Allan Woods ponders Montreal’s bike paths and longtime cycling activist culture.
Calèche owners say they’re prepared to fight city hall to keep their horses on the street.
The weekend police blotter features a stabbing early Saturday in Montreal North and a stabbing and a shooting on the Main early Sunday at bar-closing time. None of these people are dead, they’re being patched up.