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  • Kate 23:20 on 2018-06-21 Permalink | Reply  

    I posted about this a few weeks ago, but now two citizens have put the city on notice that they have to obey a 1950 Quebec law mandating that when three flags are flown, the Quebec flag gets central pride of place, not the Canadian one.

    Are the courts going to have to waste time on determining whether Canadian custom or Quebec law prevails? This federal government page clearly states that “The National Flag of Canada […] should not be subjected to dishonour or displayed in a position inferior to any other flag or ensign.”

    Furthermore, “When only three flags are displayed, the National Flag of Canada should be at the centre. […] A common combination of flags is the National Flag of Canada with a provincial or territorial flag, and a municipal flag or an organization’s banner. In this case, the National Flag should be in the centre with the provincial/territorial flag to the left and the municipal flag/organization’s banner to the right (to an observer facing the display).”

    I don’t know whether the federal guidelines have the force of law.

    Maybe Mayor Plante should give a pied-de-nez to both, and put the Montreal flag front and centre.

    • Kate 23:02 on 2018-06-21 Permalink | Reply  

      Radio-Canada’s historian visits the city archives in this audio piece. I went there myself on a Mois de l’archéologie visit a couple of summers ago and our group was shown the exact pieces shown in the photos accompanying this piece.

      • Kate 23:00 on 2018-06-21 Permalink | Reply  

        The city is promising to return burial goods to first nations people so they can be reburied by their own people, or something close to it. Items mention between six and eight such known burials, including one that may be 4000 years old.

        • Kate 22:40 on 2018-06-21 Permalink | Reply  

          A report is out on the November 5 municipal election showing that only one quarter of young voters turned out. But who can blame them? Overall fewer than half of all eligible voters could be arsed to show up, so it’s not as if older adults are exactly setting a good example.

          • Kate 07:04 on 2018-06-21 Permalink | Reply  

            The MR-63 train is taking its final run Thursday on the blue line. The Journal talks to a few people about the historic rolling stock that dates back to the opening of the metro system.

            With some trivia: the trains came with heaters that were never used because, as it turned out, it was ventilators that were needed to keep drivers and passengers comfortable. The original designers can’t have foreseen how much heat would get trapped down there in all seasons.

            • Kate 07:00 on 2018-06-21 Permalink | Reply  

              If/when François Legault and his party get a majority this fall, Montreal can expect a long season of neglect as Legault courts his base in the remoter suburbs to “decongest” the city, including vetoing Montreal’s own transit wishes to make things nicer for his support in the 450. With diplomatic words from the mayor – “Nous sommes heureux de constater que, comme nous, les partis politiques réfléchissent à l’avenir…”

              • Kate 06:56 on 2018-06-21 Permalink | Reply  

                The SPVM is getting new branding. More photos are shown with the Journal version of the QMI story. It’s a harder look, but not well unified graphically. The word Police in white isn’t strong in that outlined effect hanging over the white part of the design.

                You could do an essay in how our cops have migrated from branding and uniform using blue – everything from shirts to cars – to a preference for a more American and quasi-militaristic black and white, but I haven’t got all day.

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