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  • Kate 21:32 on 2018-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

    The loss of a few parking spaces at Jean-Talon market is still in the news and city hall opposition is taking advantage of the story to catastrophize it to the max with warnings of the slow death of the market: note Lionel Perez prominent in the photos illustrating all three versions of the story.

    If the reorganization of a few details around the market is the best leverage Perez has against Plante’s city hall, he’s clearly running on empty.

    • Kate 12:58 on 2018-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

      Onetime SNC-Lavalin honcho Riadh Ben Aïssa has pleaded guilty to fraud in the complex MUHC corruption case, but he’s been behind bars so long that he’s only got to serve one day.

      • Kate 11:54 on 2018-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

        Discussion at work raised a couple of questions. One is, if you give a time as 8 am-8 pm EST, does it make sense? I said it should be ET, for Eastern Time, because EST (Eastern Standard Time) exists in contrast to EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) and is only in effect half the year.

        I was shouted down, with the others saying “everyone knows EST means Eastern Time and nobody cares about the technicality you mention.”

        But – was I right?

        The second question is more obscure. I have a vague memory from childhood that something here didn’t change to Daylight Time. It may have been the trains, or something to do with government. Later they packed it in and, whatever it was, it now runs on the same time as everything else. Does this ring any bells for anyone else?

        • Kate 08:12 on 2018-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

          La Presse reports a plan for a solar panel firm from India to build a massive new factory on the terrain of the Golf d’Anjou.

          How crazy is this? We turn all our factories into condos and then, instead of repurposing brown land into industrial space, we come up with schemes to destroy our dwindling green spaces. Honestly, as a species we are thick sometimes.

          • Kate 06:48 on 2018-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

            For years they’ve been kicking around the idea of extending autoroute 440 to the 40 and now there’s a new idea to make it only for buses and cyclists. I don’t believe for a minute that Quebec would go to so much expense just for that.

            • Kate 06:39 on 2018-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

              A woman was stabbed at Place-des-Arts station Tuesday night, apparently by her ex, who’s been arrested. Her life is not in danger.

              • Kate 06:36 on 2018-07-11 Permalink | Reply  

                The Grande Bibliothèque is coping with bedbugs, and has removed all the comfy chairs and put in hard plastic ones instead.

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