Interesting if wordy piece on a Halifax news site about Gloria Baylis, a woman whose exclusion from a job at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel sparked a challenge up to the Supreme Court on racial bias grounds.
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There’s some agitation in Plateau borough to revive the abolished north softball field in Jeanne‑Mance park. The casual facility had been in use for at least fifty years.
A Canada Post letter carrier was caught out this week helping himself to tomatoes being grown by one of the households on his route in TMR. He has apologized personally and the post office has also apologized on his behalf.
This is the silly season, if you hadn’t noticed: read CTV’s headline on this piece.
The remaining segment of the St-Pierre river, visible from a golf course on the border of Côte St‑Luc and Montreal West, was ordered covered up recently by a judge. TVA says this is because it’s essentially an open-air sewer in which 218 buildings have been permitted to dump untreated sewage for years, but Montreal disavows responsibility because those buildings are in other municipalities.
A regular participant found this week he couldn’t get the blog to accept a comment, and I’m concerned this may have been happening to others too.
He tells me that after he cleared cookies from the site the problem resolved.
So, if you’ve had problems commenting here, please clear your cookies (the site does not place many) and you should be good to go.
The participant had been concerned I’d quietly banned him. Please know that I do not ban lightly, and that only three bans have ever been necessary in all the time I’ve been doing this. This blog has always had good participants.
I would also never ban anyone without at least one explicit warning. So if you find you can’t comment it’s not that I’ve stealth-banned you without a word. That will never happen. It would be a technical glitch on your side (browser) or because you’ve included links (in which case your comment goes into a queue for approval).