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  • Kate 16:53 on 2018-07-29 Permalink | Reply  

    I’m mad as hell at my bank.

    One reason I signed up with the Laurentian is that it had ATMs in every metro station, and for awhile I was moving around a lot so that was handy, and often it still is. Meantime, they closed branches all over town, including mine, but there were always the ATMs, even if you couldn’t deposit cheques in them.

    Not long ago a notice was posted on the Jarry ATM saying it was about to be removed and replaced with a generic one. I wish I’d photographed that notice, because I’m morally certain it also said the replacement machine would not add extra charges for withdrawals. So I wasn’t too concerned about the switch.

    Except, I tried to use that new ATM Sunday afternoon. It wanted $3.50 to give me my own money.

    Three fucking fifty!

    There are still Laurentian ATMs in most metro stations, but if anyone should see a similar removal notice, especially if it makes any promises about future charges, please take a picture. I want to smack some bank president around the head with it.

    • Kate 10:09 on 2018-07-29 Permalink | Reply  

      The Journal looks at the Instagram work of Greg Ogden, who’s been taking views of St‑Henri.

      • Kate 09:28 on 2018-07-29 Permalink | Reply  

        La Presse has done some good work on how big festivities are sustained with public money, and finds that the biggest winner by far is the Grand Prix, which gets almost as much of a public handout as the city’s seventeen top festivals combined. Paul Journet also reports that while in 2010 the GP’s economic spinoffs were estimated at $100 million, by 2015 this was halved to $48 million. The question of the city’s international profile, he admits, is hard to quantify.

        • Kate 09:16 on 2018-07-29 Permalink | Reply  

          There’s not so much police blotter Sunday morning as a missing persons report: one man missing from eastern Ville-Marie, poor sod’s got Alzheimer’s in his fifties.

          • Kate 09:13 on 2018-07-29 Permalink | Reply  

            CBC talks to a woman intent on eradicating ragweed in her part of town.

            The brief article doesn’t say anything about ragweed’s role in the ecosystem, whether it functions as a food source for useful insects or anything else – whether it would be a good idea to erase it from the city. I know it’s still the silly season but surely somebody at the botanical garden should have something to say about it.

            • Kate 00:42 on 2018-07-29 Permalink | Reply  

              Gazette has an odd piece about how to heat up Montreal’s economy, but why? To whose benefit? Talk to anyone who lives in a hot-economy city and it’s a litany of complaints about the difficulties of finding affordable living space and the high cost of living generally.

              It’s the quality of life in Montreal that has set it apart. Sacrificing that for a fast buck would be crazy – unless you’re a greedy investor.

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