A critic writes in Le Devoir about two new developments in Old Montreal, one already noted here in which glass boxes will be built around Viger station, and a second even more disturbing one, of which this is the first I’ve heard: a massive development by a Toronto firm on the clock tower pier, involving a parking structure, a hotel, a museum, and a performance venue. Writer Jean Pierre Des Rosiers, described simply as homme d’affaires, begs the Plante administration to be more active in looking after the development of Ville-Marie.
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Following a resurgence of the story a couple of months ago about alleged harassment in VSP’s borough hall, the Projet mayor of the borough, Giuliana Fumagalli, has been chucked out of the party.
Fumagalli has posted a statement on Facebook.
A man was stabbed Thursday evening on the pedestrian bit of Prince Arthur, critically injured but has survived. No arrests yet.
The city plans to try out self-driving bus shuttles around the Olympic park and the Espace pour la vie, starting at the end of summer.
Even if media are reporting weekend driving obstacles earlier and earlier (Tuesday, this week) it may be helpful to link them on a Friday.