Updates from August, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 13:24 on 2018-08-04 Permalink | Reply  

    In its series of profiles of provincial ridings, Le Devoir looks at Jacques-Cartier on the West Island where, the headline says, “on parle anglais” – although it’s only 67.9%, the article goes on to explain, it’s the highest proportion of square heads in the galaxy province.

    With a quick video intro and brief video and text snippets.

    • Kate 10:46 on 2018-08-04 Permalink | Reply  

      Alouettes fans were disappointed by the lame first outing by supposed new star quarterback Johnny Manziel on Friday night. Twitter erupted with snarky wit.

      We’re not having good sports luck lately. Serena Williams has withdrawn from the Rogers Cup which begins Monday. Several other players have also bailed from the tournament.

      This is against a background rhubarb about whether the Canadiens can or should trade Max Pacioretty and what Pacioretty wants to do. I can’t possibly summarize the whole thing: if you’re interested you’ll have an opinion, and if you’re not, you won’t. Twitter can probably sum it up for you.

      • Kate 09:01 on 2018-08-04 Permalink | Reply  

        TVA looks at the new Champlain, which it says is 80% complete but entering a critical phase as installation of the span that crosses the Seaway begins. With video showing aerial views.

        • Kate 08:38 on 2018-08-04 Permalink | Reply  

          No surprise to learn that an aboriginal critic says SPVM cops didn’t do enough to protect Mina Iquasiak Aculiak when they released her in industrial St-Laurent at midnight. Police defended themselves, saying that once Aculiak had sobered up, they had no reason to detain her and let her go.

          • Kate 08:19 on 2018-08-04 Permalink | Reply  

            The Coderre administration planned to demolish and replace the Van Horne viaduct, and even held a sort of goodbye party last summer. Now it’s been given a reprieve for at least ten years.

            • Kate 08:04 on 2018-08-04 Permalink | Reply  

              Following from all the media attention on coyotes, Metro looks at other wild animals in and around the city.

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