Updates from August, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 22:20 on 2018-08-28 Permalink | Reply  

    A young man tried to use his girlfriend’s Opus to get into the metro. The video is all over social media: officers tackle him, bring him down and dogpile on him. The disproportionate response is being widely criticized.

    • Kate 12:00 on 2018-08-28 Permalink | Reply  

      Globe & Mail has a viewing of Habitat 67.

      • Kate 08:11 on 2018-08-28 Permalink | Reply  

        City hall opposition party Ensemble Montreal has decided to take its time over finding a new leader but you have to get to the fifth paragraph here before discovering the real news: Denis Coderre may be pondering a comeback.

        If I could recommend anything to Ensemble it would be: spend that time coming up with a coherent philosophy about running the city. All I’ve seen Coderre’s old party do since November has been to snipe at Projet in very obvious hope of getting it negative attention in the media. I haven’t seen one constructive suggestion. Opposition is meant to criticize, yes, but in a well run democracy they’re also meant to propose alternatives. The impression is of a political entity with no raison-d’être except to oppose.

        Added later: On pondering this, I wish journalists would step up sometimes. If Lionel Perez says Valérie Plante ought to do, or ought not to do, a thing, ask him: “Under the same circumstances, given the limitations or conditions that Projet is coping with, what would you be doing instead? Do you think your response is realistic?”

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