SAQ workers held a surprise strike Friday.
Updates from October, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
The CSDM has
ordered an end to lockdown drillsstopped making lockdown drills mandatory because some kids became jumpy and nervous after being told to envision a shooter entering their school. The English board continues to hold an annual drill in its schools. -
A big court case tackling gangs and drugs had a surprise Friday when gang boss Gregory Woolley and one of his henchmen suddenly pleaded guilty.
The mayor and the new premier have agreed on plans to revitalize the east end of Montreal (where the CAQ voters live).
Update: Pierre-André Normandin at La Presse also notes that Montreal’s east end is in for a renaissance because they voted CAQ.
CityLab has a piece on Mount Royal’s raccoons, with some nice watercolours. Suggested by reader Matthew S.
A son of construction mogul Tony Accurso was killed in a car crash this week when the driver lost control of his Tesla on a curve.
Update: The driver has been arrested.
In a Villeray building, one unit is a sleek Airbnb palace, another is a slum.
Weekend driving notes from TVA. Also from CTV and from Radio-Canada.
CBC looks forward to driving problems on Remembrance Day weekend.
The company handling the sale of the Molson site posted a video suggesting the entire area will be cleared, including the original 18th‑century brewery around which the existing structure grew up. I can’t link the video because it’s since been taken down again. Heritage Montreal is understandably keen to preserve at least the oldest part of the complex, even if it inconveniences condo builders.