Opinions are deeply divided on the issue of traffic over Mount Royal. Metro has a good piece summarizing four points of view.
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Martin Patriquin writes this weekend’s must-read column on the shifting meaning of minority in Quebec.
The city has 957 emergency beds for homeless people this winter, most in shelters meant for men.
One of St-Henri’s more egregiously gentrified stores was burglarized overnight Thursday, but TVA’s attempt to pin this on the anti-embourgeoisement crew is undercut by the fact that the single thief made off with only the most expensive goods. That’s not consistent with their modus operandi.
Weekend driving notes from TVA. Likewise from CTV.
CBC: Montreal isn’t the haven for renters it once was. La Presse: Montréal flirte avec la crise du logement. MtlBlog: Montreal Ranked Top City In Canada To Rent An Apartment. Compare and contrast.