All sources predict snow for the new year as two weather systems converge here Monday evening into Tuesday.
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Jean Dumontier, who designed the Longueuil and Île Ste-Hélène metro stations, died last week at 83. The concrete murals on the platforms at Île Ste-Hélène (now Jean-Drapeau) station are also his work.
The 1400 students at FACE will have to study somewhere else for six years while the building on University gets depth-renovated. The CSDM has an eye on the empty Sourds et Muettes building on St-Denis and Jacques-Viger hospital at René and St-Hubert, but both are also old.
Yikes. Considering that the school has a huge music program, a temporary relocation sounds like it could be tricky. There are certain things needed for a music program (pianos, large rooms,) that not all buildings would have.
Holy shit. So maybe completed in 20 years. At least they’re not outright tearing it down.
Also, it’s a two-stage reno, like city hall: they’ll have to spend a year at least making the temporary digs inhabitable before people can vacate the main building so the real renovations can begin.
I am a FACE parent – there is no budget for this reno, so we have to wait for the next budget to find out if there is an allocation – in which case they can begin to seriously plan to renovate the temporary location. Effectively we are waiting on two separate allocations, neither of which have been confirmed in any way – and even preparing the temporary location will take 2 years renovation minimum according to the CSDM. If this even starts before my kid graduates high school 4 years from now I will be amazed. Even the six years renovation estimate is ambitious, to renovate the library they estimated one year and it took 4.
The Toronto Star tracks down classmates of Kamala Harris from her time at Westmount High and actually, toward the end of the article, finds someone who didn’t like her much. Harris is said to be deciding whether to make a bid to lead the Democratic party in the U.S.
John R
How did Harris get into an English public high school?
Michael Black
Aren’t there exemptions, especially for children of someone here on a contract? They moved here for a specific job, not moved here and then found a job. She certainly didn’t stick around, back to the US on graduation.
She was born in 1964, so would have been in the school system long before any restrictions came into effect.
I laughed at the one dissenting voice. Basically, it’s someone who felt some shade a million years ago in high school and hasn’t gotten over it.
Mark Côté
Harris graduated in 1981 and bill 101 passed in 1977, so I’m not sure if it would have applied to her or not… I guess it depended on how much school she had attended in Quebec before that. But what Michael said is true: there are many children of temporary workers at EMSB schools. They can make up to 1/3 of some school populations, I’m told.
She would have enrolled in the english system in the early 1970s before bill101 was enacted.
Michael Black
And now she’s announced her candidacy for President.
The CBC says she was at Wedtmount High from grade 7 through 11, something I looked for before. So she barely got in before the laws changed.
So she barely overlaps with when I was there. But nobody really noticed the grade sevens.
From the time Bill 101 was passed until the early 2000s, any immigrant or Francophone who sent their oldest kid to one year of private elementary school in English could then get the certificate required to switch to public English schools for their whole family. It was a very common loophole. In Kamala’s case though, her mother was most likely on a work permit and therefore classified as a temporary foreign resident and therefore exempt from Bill 101.