Updates from January, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 21:21 on 2019-01-07 Permalink | Reply  

    The orange line experienced two separate problems Monday toward rush hour. I came along a bit later, unaware of these issues, and only noticed a few more people than usual on the platform at LG.

    • EmilyG 21:58 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

      Yikes. Berri-UQAM is already overcrowded in the afternoons normally.
      One of the articles mentions that there was a suicide attempt. I thought those weren’t normally reported?

    • Blork 22:09 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

      I got on at Lucient L’allier at about 5:20 and it was just fine. By the time we got to Square Victoria it was like an overstuffed sardine can. Berri/UQAM was an absolute madhouse at 5:30, at least at the Orange line platform.

    • EmilyG 22:26 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

      I have a weekly appointment at Atwater metro, and I live near Jean-Talon metro. I usually take the green line one stop to LG and ride the orange line to Jean-Talon from there, to avoid having to try to stuff myself in at Berri.

  • Kate 21:19 on 2019-01-07 Permalink | Reply  

    The mayor says if you spot a probable Airbnb lock box, call it in to 311.

    • Kate 21:17 on 2019-01-07 Permalink | Reply  

      While Lasalle borough stalls for time, a new engineering report says that a massive heap of dirt looming over some residential buildings is a dicey proposition. I find it bizarre that even though some residents have already had mud and water slide down into yards and basements, the borough is flailing for leverage to order the developer to cart the dirt pile away.

      • Kate 13:43 on 2019-01-07 Permalink | Reply  

        Missed this last month: a BBC paean to spruce beer as brewed by Paul Patates in the Point.

        • Ian 14:45 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          I didn’t realize they brewed their own! I go there for poutine now and then, I will definitely be getting a spruce beer next time.

        • denpanosekai 20:13 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          It’s an acquired taste I tell ya what. Tried it for the sake of trying… whew.

        • Kate 21:24 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          I kind of like it. Don’t think I’d want it every day. My mom used to drink it hardcore style, with a pinch of salt, which changes the flavour more than you’d expect.

        • EmilyG 22:04 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          I tried spruce beer once. I agree with the author – I did feel like I was drinking a tree. (I got mine at Resonance.)
          And during that summer heatwave, I tried as much as possible to avoid restaurants and stores without air conditioning – I was surprised at how many there were.

        • Bert 08:39 on 2019-01-08 Permalink

          This is the best news since the demise of the original Marco spruce beer!

        • Bert 08:49 on 2019-01-08 Permalink

          That didn’t come out right…. Since the unfortunate demise of Marco spruce beer there has been nothing on the market that didn’t taste like commercial mass-produced stuff. I will certainly be giving these a try!

      • Kate 09:00 on 2019-01-07 Permalink | Reply  

        Police are going to be using devices to measure the distance kept by motorists from cyclists on the road.

        • Ephraim 10:49 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          Thousands of laws on the books to ensure the safety of everyone and almost none of them are enforced. And we can’t seem to stop our police from stopping people for driving while black. But yet, we have enough money to buy new devices to measure the distance… but nothing to ensure that police do their jobs ethically or to have them enforce current laws to ensure pedestrian safety.

        • qatzelok 10:52 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          The most important places where the passing rule is dangerously ignored is on numbered provincial roads between towns where the STM police-on-bikes never venture. Give me one of these machines! (Posting from Québec City where I just biked to on the 138)

        • SMD 12:16 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          So glad to see that our former Minister of Transportation, Robert Poëti, has found a new job… as head of the Québec car dealership association and lobbying group. He wants to make cars great again:

          « On ne le dit pas assez que l’automobile est le secteur le plus important au Québec, après l’industrie de la construction. […] Il parle de l’importance de montrer une image plus favorable de l’industrie « qui a été quelque peu dénigrée au cours des dernières années. »

          With people like this still in charge of the MTQ, it is hard to imagine anything encroaching on the place of cars anytime soon.

        • ant6n 00:52 on 2019-01-08 Permalink

          I wonder whether there’s a way to find out whatever happened to politicians. For example, I hear Coderre and Chitilian work for CDPQ (Eurostar) and CDPQInfra now. These hires kind of put their policies into ‘perspective’.

        • Joey 15:07 on 2019-01-08 Permalink

          @ant6n you can get partway there via the QC lobbyist registry; linkedin can probably take you to about 95%…

      • Kate 08:56 on 2019-01-07 Permalink | Reply  

        Anonymous donor of thousands of bicycles via Sun Youth, the identity of Avrum Morrow has been revealed on his death last week.

        • dhomas 13:57 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          A little nitpick: it looks like you made a typo in his name. It should be Avrum Morrow (not Murrow). This way, the name of his company, AvMor, doesn’t make sense! 😛

        • Kate 14:38 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          You’re right. Fixed.

      • Kate 07:43 on 2019-01-07 Permalink | Reply  

        Restaurant critic Lesley Chesterman is saying goodbye to the Gazette with three big articles, the first about chefs. Only the Gazette would delicately quote Anthony Bourdain as saying “I know it could all turn to s–t.”

        • DeWolf 13:48 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          The New York Times too. They dance around expletives like no other newspaper.

      • Kate 07:35 on 2019-01-07 Permalink | Reply  

        A group of HEC students is dreaming up a mobile pediatric unit that will visit the city’s poorer neighbourhoods. I can see something in the photo of the group that’s going to cause comment, can you?

        • Tim F 08:16 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          *le sigh*

        • Blork 10:01 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          I can see three things.

        • mare 10:11 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          The AI obviously wasn’t fed data on l’Office québécois de la langue française. Trust me, it’ll learn.

        • Test name 10:15 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          This is a test, please ignore and delete. My comment wasn’t published and my email isn’t remembered.

        • Kevin 10:53 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          “you may need a blood test; but you certainly don’t need a language test”

        • AnonForThisOne 12:11 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          The guy on the right kinda looks like he’s holding his dick out?

        • Raymond Lutz 23:36 on 2019-01-07 Permalink

          The “make an impact” kerning and font are horrible?

      • Kate 07:31 on 2019-01-07 Permalink | Reply  

        Buildings that have been hives of artists’ studios for years are being sold to renovate or build to make room for artificial intelligence companies. That we’re losing cheap artist spaces is nothing new, but that AI firms want the space is a bit of a departure.

        • david100 02:54 on 2019-01-08 Permalink

          We need to be building and building, so that these moneyed companies take nice new spaces, and leave the older stuff to the traditional Montreal uses.

        • Kate 07:52 on 2019-01-08 Permalink

          In some cases these older industrial buildings are being bought and demolished to build something new, so I’m not sure your solution always works, david100. There are some empty lots in desirable neighbourhoods, but not a vast supply.

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