Mostly taking note of this brief item on management shuffles at city hall in case we need to look it up later.
Updates from January, 2019 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
More school board news: the CSDM, the city’s biggest board, is moving into a building costing $5 million a year because their existing building, like many of its schools, is riddled with mold and damp.
Wait, I thought the CAQ was going to abolish school boards, as quickly as possible. But this plan is described here as long term.
A new study by the city says the new Royalmount project will disrupt not only existing entertainment venues but also the neighbouring businesses that profit from their proximity.
Update: Côte St-Luc wants to see the highways and transit around that part of town completely rethought.
Phil M
CSL complaining about the traffic on Decarie is rich, especially when they still refuse to open Cavendish across the train tracks.
CSL wants to open Cavendish. IIRC everyone is stuck in negotiations with CP. Yes, at one point CSL was against it, but that was 20 years ago, and since then they have been quite vocally for it.
The Quebec education ministry is launching an investigation into alleged mismanagement at the English Montreal School Board.
Wonder whether this is justified, or whether it’s CAQ manipulation to manufacture consent for the removal of boards altogether.
Tim S.
As a EMSB parent, I used to get regular robocalls from Mancini and Matheson (the board chair and director general), basically advertising themselves. But I haven’t received any in a while, and the accusations that Mancini is mistreating her staff may explain why.
A white comic with dreadlocks says he was excluded from comedy night at a UQÀM co-op bar because his hairstyle was judged to be cultural appropriation.
Steve Q
Hahaha ! Our little world filled with zealots on the far left is getting funnier and funnier by the day !
I gues i’m going to have to stop listening to James Brown, Tiken Jah Fakoly or Nina Simone because i’m afraid to be targeted as someone who does ”cultural appropriation”.
Hopefully, those millions of French-Canadians who moved to the USA or Ontario for work and appropriated American the process.. will soon have to come back to Quebec and enroll in intense French immersion.
“A white comic with dreadlocks says…” yes, but don’t forget this part: “establishment confirmed its decision to exclude comedian…”
Hilariously, it was a placed called “Snowflake Comedy Club”! Snowflakes indeed!
Steve Q: there’s a more precise term for this:
“Snowflake Comedy Club?” This has got to be a hoax.
If it’s a hoax, the sad thing is how believable it is.
Bill Binns
Laugh it up. This stuff is always hilarious the first time you hear it. It’s funny until it shows up in your HR manual at work. The people who are working overtime to come up with this nonsense have a huge amount of power relative to their numbers.
Such a fine line between satire, fake news, and alt-right false flags.
Chris Tim Steve Ian Bill.. I wonder how many of these comments are by white cis-gendered men. I think it’s alright to let others speak about this subject matter.
Jonathan, who has said others can’t speak about this subject matter?
Dreadlocks have existed for so long (probably as long as hair has existed), I’m quite certain no one culture can hold claim to them. Check out the Wikipedia entry on the subject:
Bill Binns
@dhomas – I’m sure if you go back far enough, just about every culture had hats which included bird feathers. Don’t wear one at Osheaga without a status card though. The last people to make feather hats own the trademark outright.
Oh come on Bill, nobody thought those headdresses were anything but “Indian headdresses”.
That aside, Jonathan, what does being cis-men or not have to do with dreadlocks? Way to white knight there.walkerp
I knew this would get a higher rate of comments from outrage reflex brigade. I think we can all agree, politics aside, that dreadlocks on Caucasians are just aesthetically very unpleasant to look at and be around. I, for one, agree with this dress code policy.
Frankly I’m more concerned that this false flag hoax mocking people for caring about cultural appropriation. I’m not surprised that it was effective, but let’s not just hand-wave the fact that this is effectively alt-right fake news.
You are basically correct, Ian. Whatever the facts are here, these kinds of controversies have been going on in University campuses forever. They used to remain there too, because testing out your political boundaries is a fundamental part of being a young person on the verge of adulthood and the campus is a great place to do that. Today, with the internet, every minor controversy gets broadcast to the whole planet and triggers strong emotional reactions which lead to further political extremism and division. You get people saying stupid things like “It’s funny until it shows up in your HR manual at work.”
Bill Binns
Actual example of “It’s funny until it shows up in your HR manual at work”. Less than a year passed between the first time I heard of the term “microaggressions” and thought it just another ludicrous Berkeleyism and seeing it pop up in HR documentation for a very large multi-national corporation I work with.
The issue that walkerp mentions regarding news reports of these issues leaking out of the University make believe sand boxes in which they were created and being circulated out here in the real world is real and works two ways. Corporations and municipalities who so badly want to appear as bleeding-edge progressive read those same stories and very quickly, insane rules dreamed up by blue haired folks meeting in the back room of the local Feminist Communist bookstore can become laws and workplace regulations.
Ian’s assertion that this is a “Neo-Liberal false flag operation” (apparently a coordinated effort between the Gazette and Metro newspapers in this case) is also a well worn technique often used in the earliest stages of acclimating the general public to the next big progressive leap forward.
I don’t give a damn what happens at the “Snowflake Comedy Club” but I know all too well how quickly their rules can spread to the Cineplex or City Hall.
I don’t understand – is the position here that white ppl should be allowed to sport dreadlocks unabashedly or that corporations are somehow secret bastions of communist feminism or … what ? My head hurts.
Bill Binns
@Hamza – Well, at the very least, we should give hair (which cannot be removed for an event) the same protections given to ultra important, never to be interfered with for any reason whatsoever (including for the safety of the wearer), religious hats.
dhomas, interesting read! It’s almost as if we homo sapiens, across time and place, are more alike than different!
Bill, I thought about the religious hats analogy too, but it’s not quite the same. There have been various hat proposals, but the strictest would prevent people from taking the bus, holding a job, etc. That’s quite a bit more than denying someone at a private establishment. Still, it begs the question: if it’s ok to deny someone (at a private establishment) because of their haircut, would it be okay to deny them because of their religious hat?
Ian, hypothetically, if it’s a false flag, it doesn’t follow that their motivation would be pro-alt-right, they could also be anti-regressive-left leftists.
@Ian, @Chris I just mean to say that, as white/straight/cis-gendered men, sometimes it’s useful to let others (marginalized/colonized/previously discriminated against) explain to us how they may feel further oppressed/offended/triggered by actions done by the dominate culture. I think it’s hard for a lot of people from the dominant culture to understand/accept… as evidenced by the comments in this thread.
I’m not being a white knight or pretending to understand, I choose to sit back and accept that others may be offended by certain things and that I will try my hardest to respect those folks and try to not offend anyone. I’m merely suggesting that you do the same.
The city is undertaking to rebuild the fences around its public swimming pools following the drowning of a young man last summer who had climbed into an unguarded pool.
We’re going to be plunged from mild temperatures today down to –22 overnight, then a milder Friday followed by a glacial weekend possibly including a major snowstorm Sunday, although it looks too cold for snow from here. One way or another it’s going to be January weather.
Bill Binns
I have a 5:30AM flight on Monday morning and I would really love for it to be cancelled. I haven’t wished for snow this hard since I was a little kid sitting next to the AM radio in the kitchen waiting to hear the name of my school included in the long list of schools that would be closed the next day.
the weather source I use predicts 7-12 cm Sunday tapering off to 2-3 overnight… so anywhere between nothing and a foot of snow is on our way, but probably somewhere inbetween. Good luck!
A series of sessions on the paranormal is raising eyebrows in Rivière-des-Prairies where some think public library space shouldn’t be given over to pseudoscience.
People shouldn’t judge this stuff so harshly, it’s all in good fun. When I was a kid, I loved stuff like this and would have been front and center here. And there’s a great tradition in Quebec of this stuff – the Royal Canadian Occult Society scene in The Scarlet Claw, the greatest five minutes in the greatest film Quebec-set film until Hitchcock did I Confess.
Aren’t libraries full of fiction books? So can’t there be fiction conferences too?
Chris, if you can’t understand that library books are categorized to frame science as fact and fiction as fiction, I’m not sure I can help you. This is all about presentation and framing. If it’s “good fun” it won’t be framed as serious alternative fact, but I don’t know enough about the program they’re offering to theorize.