Snow removal map
It’s embarrassing to admit, but I only discovered the city’s snow removal map this weekend after a post on reddit. My only excuse is that I don’t own a car, so snow removal is a question of mild curiosity for me, rather than an urgent call to action.
Faiz Imam 12:00 on 2019-02-18 Permalink
They also have smartphone apps! The android one is called info-neige. It works pretty well.
jeather 12:09 on 2019-02-18 Permalink
The site is also not bad. I didn’t know the city had its own map either, though having to zoom all the way in before you can see the details is pretty annoying. That said I would never trust the map totally, the orange signs have complete priority over the website, and historically the websites were often wrong.
Faiz Imam 14:34 on 2019-02-18 Permalink
I don’t know if its true for all the fleet, but some data they already have privately is live accurate GPS locations of many vehicles. Its huge for logistics and planning of the removal operations.
Other cities have made that information public, and it looks really cool. Check out Toronto’s site for example. you can literally see every plow and cleaner going around, as well as a live video:
The way we contract out work to various private companies makes it complicated, but I’m hoping we can start sharing that sort of data as well.
Mr.Chinaski 14:34 on 2019-02-18 Permalink and the “déneigenement” city website are all using the same data, it’s all open-source now. Same with the info-neige app
Faiz Imam 14:37 on 2019-02-18 Permalink
edit: correction about Toronto, they don’t have video. I was mixing that up with a different story.
denpanosekai 18:27 on 2019-02-18 Permalink
This map (and the Android app) has such bad data. My street is listed as “chargement prevu” for Tuesday PM, but they did it on Saturday morning. I want to say it’s alright overall, but it’s nowhere near perfect…
Kate 07:57 on 2019-02-19 Permalink
denpanosekai, I wonder if that varies from borough to borough. It’s been accurate for the streets in Villeray around my place.
Rebecca 08:45 on 2019-02-19 Permalink
infoneige (the android app) is useless for me. It never correctly shows the regions planned to be cleared or where the crew is expected to be at a given time. It updates late at night, long after the crew has left and my street is cleared. The rumble of the trucks going by is a better indicator than this thing ever was. Makes me wonder if it’s just my burrow (Saint-Laurent) or if it’s the same for everywhere.
Ian 12:56 on 2019-02-19 Permalink
I’ve been finding the app surprisingly accurate, but I’m in MIle-End.