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  • Kate 23:05 on 2019-04-11 Permalink | Reply  

    Morgan Lowrie writes about overnight maintenance in the metro system.

    • Kate 21:51 on 2019-04-11 Permalink | Reply  

      Here are your Turcot warnings for the weekend. But at least the weather will be nice and people are emerging from hibernation.

      • Kate 21:50 on 2019-04-11 Permalink | Reply  

        The city has rejected half the requests for construction permits it received for this summer in an effort to keep traffic from getting too snarled up.

        It’s also hiring a squad of inspectors of roadwork sites who’ll make unannounced visits and verify that work is being done properly.

        • Kate 21:49 on 2019-04-11 Permalink | Reply  

          City council is preparing to reject Bill 21 in a bipartisan statement next week.

          • Kate 07:03 on 2019-04-11 Permalink | Reply  

            The city’s ethics bureau has let 125 people go over ethics violations – conflict of interest, favouritism, accepting even small gifts and bribes.

            • Kate 06:56 on 2019-04-11 Permalink | Reply  

              Work has begun on the STM’s big transport centre on Bellechasse. There’s some concern about possible noise and nuisance to nearby residents.

              • Kate 06:48 on 2019-04-11 Permalink | Reply  

                Kent Park in Côte-des-Neiges is being renamed for Martin Luther King. Global notes that it’s close to parks named after Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.

                • Patrick 12:58 on 2019-04-11 Permalink

                  Maybe I’m feeling crotchety today, but though I sympathize with the impulse I think there’s a bit of grandiosity with this renaming. It’s a bit like every city downtown having the same global commercial brands. Couldn’t they find an inspiring black figure from Montreal’s past? Why not Rufus Rockhead? With a memorial jazz concert every year?

                • Kate 14:46 on 2019-04-11 Permalink

                  At least this one is currently Kent Park, simply named after an adjoining street, so nobody’s getting demoted. The city’s explanation for the street name is “Nom du plus ancien royaume de l’heptarchie anglo-saxonne” although I wonder if it wasn’t really for the Duke of Kent.

                • Patrick 20:45 on 2019-04-11 Permalink

                  The Gazette story concludes: “Kent Park was given its current appellation in 1967 and was named after the Kingdom of Kent of Anglo-Saxon England, according to the city of Montreal’s website.” Shades of Westeros! But I wouldn’t wonder if a royal personage wasn’t in view. Does anyone refer to Murray Park by its official name (since 1939) of King George Park?

                • SMD 00:03 on 2019-07-04 Permalink

                  Rue Rufus-Rockhead was inaugurated on June 28, 1989.

              • Kate 06:37 on 2019-04-11 Permalink | Reply  

                A new report from the OCPM says Jean-Drapeau park must be greener, which comes a bit late now that a chunk of one island has been covered in concrete for Evenko. Luc Ferrandez agrees with the report but admits it would be difficult to reduce parking spaces given existing agreements with La Ronde and the Casino. Meanwhile, the Grenier reports on the crucial issue of rebranding the park.

                • Mr.Chinaski 10:14 on 2019-04-11 Permalink

                  The amphitheater is less than 5% of the total superficy of both islands. It’s not a “chunk”, especially since the project will be over 40% green (which is almost the same % as it was before), with the planting of 500 trees across the site and 500 trees elsewhere on the park to replace the 1000 that were cut, which let’s never forget, were in vast part ash trees with the emerald ash borer problem.

                • Chris 11:33 on 2019-04-11 Permalink

                  Mr.Chinaski, the number of trees is just one metric. The replacement trees will be pathetic little baby things. How many of the cut ones were full grown?

                • Frankie 12:32 on 2019-04-11 Permalink

                  I find it really strange how people can quibble about protecting green spaces in and around Montreal. The reports and surveys in this article, as well as the article Kate referenced the other day about Camillien Houde about through traffic over the mountain go back years, are not limited to Luc Ferrandez or Projet Montreal’s vision of a carless culture. All the reports have all recommended the same thing, reduce through traffic and protect the green spaces. It speaks to the quality of life for the residents of the city and has nothing to do with being anti-car, which one English radio morning guy goes on and on about. I am not an expert in anything but I do know that we need to hang on to our parks, etc. Once you lose these spaces, it is impossible to get them back.

                • Martin 16:20 on 2019-04-12 Permalink

                  Not only did they cut mature trees that they could have find ways to protect and include, but they also erase ponds that were just dreamy and perfect (they were around the Calder, those who attend the Piknik will know what I’m talking about). Looking at the landscape plan, you can see that the Calder will now be in the middle of a vast concrete plaza. It’s horrible, but it’s easy to clean and keep up, which I’m sure was the idea.

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