Flooding is the big local story
Flooding remains the major local story on Easter Sunday, a storyline that takes the spotlight off the central city onto suburbs and outlying areas. The army has been called in; a woman died in a car on a washed-out road; there are sandbags deployed around the north end, where the back river may be paying folks a visit.
It’s being floated* that people may simply have to move away from areas that flood in springtime.
* see what I did there
Blork 11:58 on 2019-04-21 Permalink
Yeah, but plenty of people would like to sink* that idea.
ha ha
Chris 20:31 on 2019-04-21 Permalink
Those people should move, but who would buy their property? No one, that’s who. 🙁
Kevin 19:42 on 2019-04-22 Permalink
We all will Chris.