The origin of the Sunday tam-tam session at the Cartier monument is hard to track down, with several people making contradictory claims for having been the spark of it. Same CP story in French.
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A young woman was hit by a car late Saturday evening on St-Denis near Duluth and is in critical condition. She had apparently jaywalked between intersections and no blame is being attached to the driver.
I truly believe that the driver is not at fault. It may very well be the pedestrian’s fault. But still, that street desperately needs to narrow down the number of lanes. In 2020 it is not reasonable for a big city that claims to be pedestrian friendly to have one of it’s north and south most popular street to have 6 lanes for car. 2 for parking and 4 for traffic. It’s time to narrow it down to 4 lanes maximum and reduce the speed of traffic.
With SteveQ when you get past Rosemont blvd. St. Denis looks like a runway.
@Jack what do you mean? What does a “runway” look like that’s any different from St-Denis on either side of Rosemont? (And when you say “past Rosemont” do you mean north of Rosemont or south of Rosemont?)
The city’s need for orange cones is constant. This item really is about buying cones, and not cones as a signifier for construction work.
Despite the calm certainty of the video we saw recently about the proposed method of taking down the old Champlain, it’s apparently not so clear, and the public is being consulted.
That looks expensive AF
The Centre d’histoire piece this weekend digs back into some of the oldest bits of built history here, the two towers on Sherbrooke Street, dating from 1685.
This week, Radio-Canada has a piece on the Wax Museum. The building still stands on Queen Mary at Côte-des-Neiges, but is used now by a Pharmaprix; wax museums, after going out of fashion for some decades, returned with the opening of a Musée Grévin branch here in 2013.
The Gazette’s “History through our eyes” looked at archive photos of a fascist rally in Verdun (1938), the opening of the Canadian Centre for Architecture (1989) and other incidents from the past, always worth a look.
Who has a hockey history to hand? The Journal’s “this week in history” claims the first ever Stanley Cup was awarded on May 15, 1893 to the Montreal hockey club. However, Wikipedia’s article on the cup says the first award was in 1894: “On March 17, in the first ever Stanley Cup playoff game, the Montreal Hockey Club (Montreal HC) defeated the Montreal Victorias, 3–2. Five days later, in the first Stanley Cup Final game, Montreal HC beat the Ottawa Hockey Club 3–1.” I’m thinking March is far more likely given the smaller number of teams, shorter season and rink refrigeration of the time, but I can’t seem to get a solid fact, and online newspaper archives haven’t been helpful.
The Canadian Encyclopedia doesn’t give an exact date but also cited 1893.
Matthew Surridge
Almost 20 years ago I was given a book called Total Hockey (The Official Encyclopedia of the National Hockey League) as a gift one Christmas. It’s mostly statistics, and I’d been considering getting rid of it since it’s basically duplicated by web resources, but lo and behold it has an article on exactly this. Both the Journal and Wikipedia are technically correct. The Montreal Hockey Club won the first Cup in 1893 by placing first in a round-robin season. There was a controversy over who would be awarded the Cup (the hockey club or the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, which had founded it) and how; the upshot was that the official presentation of the Cup was made well after the season, not at a game but at a meeting of the MAAA. The first Stanley Cup playoffs and final came the next year when four clubs finished the season tied at the top of the Amateur Hockey Association of Canada, which then had to improvise a tie-breaker and came up with the idea of playoff games.
Wikipedia actually has a good brief rundown in their articles on the 1893 Stanley Cup Championship and the 1894 Stanley Cup Championship. (I’m afraid I don’t know how to do links here.)
Matthew Surridge
Meezly 13:56 on 2019-05-13 Permalink
Thanks for sharing this!