Fight for restitution for destroyed roses
A man who cultivated roses around his property in RDP was appalled to find them all destroyed by a snowplow yet hasn’t heard a thing from the borough about restitution. Item goes on to talk about the bigger issue of getting better training for snow removal workers, and not making them work excessive hours.
I think this latter bit smacks of what I call seasonal amnesia. Outside of winter, promises are made about how we’ll manage things, but when a blizzard hits, we want that snow gone and we don’t care if the guy in the plow has a diploma.
qatzelok 09:14 on 2019-05-13 Permalink
They were planted right to the curb, and there’s no sidewalk – only bungalows and lawns.How sad that so few people will ever see his roses or walk near his house to actually care.
Ian 14:07 on 2019-05-14 Permalink
For whatever reason this year my neighbourhood was cleared by a different contractor than last year, Michaudville. They use not chenillettes but small front-end loaders, which are admittedly way faster, but they also took out three garden fences just on my block. They also took out the side mirror on my car – not a street clearing day, just a sidewalk run. Worth noting it was also recycling day and the miniplow managed to tear up a lot of the recycling and spread it up the street, too. Most people I know have at least one story about snowplow jockeys, diploma or not these guys are driving heavy vehicles and need to be more careful, especially since the city routinely refuses to acknowledge damage unless you see it happen AND manage to record the plate number which is kind of an issue since so much of the clearing takes place at night!