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  • Kate 20:23 on 2019-05-26 Permalink | Reply  

    A demonstration was held Sunday afternoon here in support of U.S. abortion rights, recently assailed by new laws in some southern states. A few Canadian politicians, including a 21‑year‑old Ontario MPP, have also spoken out recently about their hopes to make abortion illegal in Canada again.

    • Kate 10:13 on 2019-05-26 Permalink | Reply  

      The Gazette’s “through our eyes” feature this week looked back at the Great Antonio pulling a bus and the 1986 Stanley Cup riot among others. Despite the wreckage shown on Ste‑Catherine Street that night in May 1986, the paper reports there were only six arrests.

      The Centre d’histoire piece looks back to the 1958 opening of the Voie Camillien-Houde by largely forgotten city mayor Sarto Fournier. The writer notes the irony of the name, given that Houde himself had promised that motor traffic would go over the mountain “over his dead body.”

      I know I’ve grinched before about not really ever having grasped the point of a bed-in, but there are reports this week on the 50th anniversary Sunday of the Queen Elizabeth Hotel bed-in by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. The anniversary is accompanied by an exhibit at the Phi Centre. I happened past the other day and went in, and can tell you: don’t make a special trip.

      • Kate 09:33 on 2019-05-26 Permalink | Reply  

        Now we’re getting traffic warnings for specific days on the weekend, the Gazette warning here about Sunday problems.

        • Kate 09:23 on 2019-05-26 Permalink | Reply  

          Stephen Bronfman wants a roofless toy stadium for his toy baseball team.

          Update: Monday, a Radio-Canada critic writes at length about why a roofless stadium is a bad idea in this climate, and with climate in general becoming more unpredictable. But Martin Leclerc misses the elephant in the room. Developers want stadiums because of the money it allows them to extort from the public purse. The existence of a team and actual matches is not the point at all.

          • Jay 20:44 on 2019-05-26 Permalink

            Allez nos amours!!!


          • Kate 07:58 on 2019-05-27 Permalink

            Can a fictional team really be someone’s “amours”?

        • Kate 08:42 on 2019-05-26 Permalink | Reply  

          Took a Toronto Star writer to do a feature about the fatal effects of heat waves in Montreal with a special focus on urban geography. A striking point is how the fence between TMR and Park Ex shows the line between a leafy, expensive suburb with air conditioned houses, vs. a nearly treeless built-up neighbourhood with small apartments and little air conditioning, so much more dangerous in a heat wave.

          • Kate 08:28 on 2019-05-26 Permalink | Reply  

            The old incinerator in Rosemont was on fire Saturday evening, which started with a suspect fire in two city vehicles parked near the building. Item notes the building also had a fire three years ago.

            On Facebook, regular blog reader Blork singled out a line in the CBC report for mockery: “The building […] is in an industrial zone, reasonably far from residential areas.” Blork says: ‘Reasonably far from residential areas? There are condo buildings literally right across the street!”

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