Orange line extension raised (again)
The CAQ now seems to be considering an extension of the orange line from Côte‑Vertu to Bois‑Franc, to link the metro to the REM in an effort to mitigate the motor traffic expected around Royalmount.
It’s sort of amazing to watch a trash fire like Royalmount happening. Everyone knows it will damage the city and cause chronic traffic bottlenecks, but it seems we can no more stop its progress than a natural disaster like a tornado.
In other REM news this morning, residents in TMR are heartily sick of construction noise but it gets worse: a chunk of Jean-Talon where it goes over the tracks at Canora is going to be demolished and rebuilt in stages throughout next year.
Tim S. 08:22 on 2019-05-30 Permalink
I’m actually surprised the outrage is coming from Montreal and not the West Island and Laval, because it’s the car commuters who live there who will be most affected (and who already have access to similar malls anyways).
Myles 09:08 on 2019-05-30 Permalink
Seeing as cities apparently don’t have to consider negative impacts on other cities, Montreal should just threaten to close every road into TMR if they don’t drop the Royalmount project.
JaneyB 19:25 on 2019-05-30 Permalink
@Myles – agreed. Obviously juvenile but it does get the point across. I just don’t get all the handwringing. Montreal has the power to make TMR change its mind. Seriously, Mtl should be thinking: ‘What would Westmount do?’ Montreal could and should really make life difficult for TMR in return for the certain Royalmount madness.
Chris 19:56 on 2019-05-30 Permalink
There’s various precedent too, like Montreal West blocking access to Ville St. Pierre.
Kevin 07:53 on 2019-05-31 Permalink
There really aren’t that many roads from Montreal into TMR. You’ve got Jean Talon and Laird (near Jean Talon and Cote de Neiges).
Almost every other access point is controlled by the provincial government.
Kevin 07:55 on 2019-05-31 Permalink
*I suppose Lucerne too, but only the south end.