Crisis! Westmount had a boil water advisory
The National Post works itself into a remarkable snit over how Westmount had a boil water advisory over the last week. Why should people living in multimillion-dollar mansions face the major inconvenience of having to boil water for a minute? “A boil water advisory does not fit the narrative of the oasis on the mountain.”
Uatu 14:39 on 2019-06-08 Permalink
Eh. It’s the national Post. Nothing unusual for it to grumble about having the help make the extra step of boiling water before making a scotch and soda. If you really want to be impressed, read the op eds on the”vindication” of Lord Black and marvel at how someone can apparently write a column while simultaneously fellating Conrad Black .
Kate 09:19 on 2019-06-09 Permalink
Rereading the lede, I notice also “The city shares its water network with Montreal” – imagine, it shares water with the plebes. You really would think Westmount could at least distribute Evian through its mains.